• @BatRayB
    1 year ago

    Yeah, this rocks… and is all kinds of amazing!.. so cool seeing our pirates happy! Chloe must cook one hell of a breakfast as well… having learned from the best…

    “…you know Max,… we sure make the best kind of couple…”

    “I mean yeah of course… but how exactly do you mean?”

    “…well, we already fight like a married couple, we talk like best friends… we flirt like our first love… and we protect each other like we are family… I think we’re just meant to be…”

    "… … … …gulp… uhm… Chloe, I think… I think I need to ask you something… "

    Max’s face goes bright red, and she gets down on one knee, and pull’s out a little black box out of thin air, and flips it open.

    "… … …damn Max,… I was about to ask you the same thing… "