Tesla’s value plunged nearly $200 billion since mid-July – and the EV maker faces a bumpy road ahead::Tesla shares closed Tuesday at just over $233, well down on their 2023 peak of $291.
Tesla’s value plunged nearly $200 billion since mid-July – and the EV maker faces a bumpy road ahead::Tesla shares closed Tuesday at just over $233, well down on their 2023 peak of $291.
this is a dumb comment. most maga dicks would never drive an EV they’re too busy rolling coal. yes the spokesperson for Tesla is a piece of human garbage, but the company is more than him. Tesla has been hugely responsible for the much needed transition to EVs. So hate musk, but i think hating Tesla is a mistake.
sounds like someone wasted 70k on the MAGA car.
lolz, no. but I feel my comment is still valid.
I can hate tesla too you know. The car is terrible quality. Just because it is an EV doesn’t excuse it from being shitty
Also people seem to have not seen or forgotten about the whole thing with Elon Musk specifically falsifying range numbers on his products with shady ass, basically fraudulent math.
It’s good quality until it breaks down.
True of… all things?
not really, plenty of things are shit quality even before they break down.
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You mean for the car industry?
This is a very reasonable comment, and yet it’s downvoted heavily.
What Tesla achieved is good, and will have a place in the history of EVs. Musk being a fucking idiot doesn’t change that, it just makes it more obvious that none of the success is due to him he just happens to own the company.
thank you for restoring my faith in humans. I really didn’t understand the downvotes tbh.
All g, yeh a lot of that bad behavior from reddit has flowed through to here.
Honestly, tesla would probably do better to fucking fire Musk as CEO. He holds less than 13% of the shares according to a 10-second Google search, so it doesn’t seem like he has unassailable control of the company.
If I were any of the other large shareholders I’d be fighting like hell to get a better CEO. Musk has switched from asset to liability.
same, my hope is they’ll turf him soon and people can less obliged to hate on Tesla again.
A lot of the problem with Tesla is Musk though, especially when it comes to the whole FSD and Autopilot thing. Tesla is spreading misleading data and releasing software to the public that they really shouldn’t be, and it’s Musk that is pushing for that to happen.
True, musk sucks. like I said. the downvotes are hilarious. guess a lot of the maga trolls followed here from reddit too. the more popular it gets the worse it will become I expect.
I agree that Tesla has done a lot to push us towards a more sustainable future with cars, and unfortunately I have to give Musk some credit for that also. The thing is, I don’t think you can separate Musk and Tesla like you are trying to.
Without Musk there really isn’t a Tesla. Even now they are very tied to him and his way of thinking. Nobody but Musk would ask someone to design the Cyber truck, and nobody but Musk would even call it that, or name the other vehicles so they spell S3XY, or release beta driver assist /self driving software to the public.
I think you can separate them, my comment was responding to the moron calling it the maga car, which is a stupid thing to say. I live in hope musk will eventually be pushed out. he’s quite an awful human.
Without Musk, you have 87% of Tesla (when you measure by shares of ownership). I’m surprised other shareholders haven’t tried to fire Musk as CEO.
It’s not just the share percent, it’s the whole company culture, he is the face of Tesla and his crazy thinking and over promising got the company this far. I doubt it would have gotten this far with a more rational and ethical CEO.
He is the ultimate hype man, without him Tesla just wouldn’t have the same pull IMO.
I agree with you that’s he’s a good hype man. But Tesla doesn’t need hype any more; they just need to solidify their lead over the EV market. At some point, hype and headline-grabbing turns from a fundraising asset to a corporate liability.
At a $747B market cap, I’d argue Tesla has definitely crossed that line.
Honestly, if Musk poured himself into a new futurist investment, he’d probably do better than he is doing right now… encumbering America’s biggest EV manufacturer with stock leverages for a social media platform he took off the public market and completely tanked the valuation for is not a good look.
If you had someone honest at the head of Tesla saying realistic stuff like “we won’t have FSD for at least a decade, robotaxis even longer, and it’s going to take more than just the cameras we have” and “due to legal liability concerns we are pulling FSD from the market until it’s ready” , I don’t think you would have nearly that market cap.
Tesla built that market cap off Mr Hypeman, the market cap only begins to make sense if those hype promises are realistic. If Mr Reality takes over Tesla that market cap is going to crash hard, they need Mr Hypeman.
Engineers used to put easter eggs in all sort of things they develop. From references in naming schemes to hidden comments in code. All of it wasn’t obvious to anyone not in the know. They are nerds living their nerd dreams.
The problem is that it is Elmo’s entire MO to put memes in everything he tells other people to create. He wants to be seen as the memelord. And all of them need to be as obvious as possible so everyone recognizes them, or it would lose its point.
No, pretty much no MAGA fans are here. I think that’s fair self-evident reading popular comments, you’re more likely to run into a fan of Chairman Mao.