• @BatRayB
    1 year ago

    Aah, remember this… love it… I’m a sucker for old noir style posters… awesome!

    The azure haired gumshoe knew she was in trouble, the second she laid eyes on the rain soaked auburn haired beauty standing in her doorway, she just knew.

    Rainwater cascaded down the porcelain freckle-skinned beauty’s hair, and reminded ‘Detective Sapphire Steele’ that she was indeed still mortal, despite what her co-workers had said of her almost inhuman ability to avoid certain death. Having survived four gunshot wounds, and two stabbings earlier in her career, she knew she had no protection against this otherworldly adversary.

    “E…excuse me… are you Detective Steele?”, the demure young woman whispered, as she slipped a few wet strands of hair behind her left ear.

    ~ not the ear… lord help me… not the ear… and the freckles… look at her freckles… ~

    Sapphire was left speechless. This had never happened to her before, not that time she got kicked in the stomach by a thug trying to stop her from chasing down the ‘Mercury Diamond Thief’, and not even when she took a '38 slug straight to her gut. No, nothing could prepare her for the breathless feeling she felt in the core of her soul when she heard the ethereal voice leaving the lips of the beautiful stranger.

    “H…hello?.. I was told by the gentleman downstairs that I could find her in this office… I desperately need her help…”

    After what felt to her like a lifetime of regret, not being able to meet this creature earlier, the dumbstruck gumshoe managed to clear her throat, and said, “cough… gah… I… I’m flirt… cough… I’m hurt… I mean… I’m her… Steele… Sapphire Steele I mean… how can I help you…uh,… miss?”

    Sapphire rubbed her sweaty hand on her back, and stuck it out in front of her, the shorter girl promptly took it into her own, and shook it.

    “O…oh good… nice to meet you… I’m Max… never Maxine… Caulfield… I’m a photographer with the ‘Daily Gazette’… my publisher was murdered and… I know who did it…”

    “Slow down, Miss Caulfield… come in, and take a seat…”, Sapphire said, offering the woman a small towel to dry her hair and face.

    Sapphire pulled out the creaky old chair in front of her desk, and motioned to the petite woman to sit.

    “Oh, thank you.”

    She then walked over to the wheeler-tray to her left, and lifted the cracked old coffee pot into the air. The loose lid slipped off the top, and fell towards the floor. Sapphire with the grace of a drunk flamingo bounced the lid from hand to hand until she caught it, and popped it back onto the pot.

    “Uhm… sorry about that… uhm… c…can I get you?..cough… I mean, can I get you something?.. some coffee? or some tea perhaps?”

    The short girl covered her mouth with her hand, and giggled, shaking her head in response.

    ~god that’s so adorable… why is she so… fuck I think i’m in trouble… ~

    “N…no thank you, and wowsers… you have amazing reflexes, …very nimble fingers”, her potential client eventually answered, noticing the detective still hadn’t acknowledged her reply.

    Sapphire choked on her spit, she slammed her chest a few times, and stumbled over towards her desk. She grabbed the ridiculously large leather chair behind her desk, and swung it around to face her. She then slumped into the ‘pit of doom’, and pulled it and herself towards her desk.

    Two impossibly large eyes stared back at her from across the desk. Waiting for a prompt from the detective for her to continue her story.

    “Now please, Miss Eyes, cough… Miss Caulfield… please, tell me what this is all about…”

    ~lord have mercy… Ericsson was right… I’m doomed to die alone…~