Barack Obama: “For elevator music, AI is going to work fine. Music like Bob Dylan or Stevie Wonder, that’s different”::Barack Obama has weighed in on AI’s impact on music creation in a new interview, saying, “For elevator music, AI is going to work fine”.
What is good art? Stuff like this can be produced with zero effort in a couple of seconds. ChatGPT wrote the prompt. And to my eye at least that looks “good enough”, it’s not like I frequently see human art that looks better. If we get AI that can write elevator music at that level, I’d probably be fine with that too.
For art to be good it needs to leave an impression on people. Can’t imagine anyone taking anything away from Generic Pretty Girl #372
Most stuff looks pretty generic, you’re right. But there’s actually been a couple times when I’ve been baffled by the output. For this one, for example, I just gave it my username
That takes a steaming hot dump on what the vast majority of people can do.
It’s why people are scared. They should be.
I’d argue that it is a steaming hot dump of random, deviant art quality junk, but to each their own.
I’d argue people like you are going to hold it under much more scrutiny knowing it’s made by AI instead of humans.
I’d also argue you will do this without admitting it.
Nah I barely looked at it, and wouldn’t care who made it because it looks like tarot card garbage.
Yeah this belongs in a head shop
This thread is the gift that keeps in giving 🤣
Yeah, seeing how rustled your jimmies are by ai art is pretty damn entertaining. Honestly, could you be any more insecure about it?
The pro AI art crowd in this thread seems a lot more dedicated to making us converts for some reason, but again that’s just my take for what it’s worth. 🤷
Feeling called out?
Nope, lol
HAHA that’s crazy you think that that is so great.
I was like this in the 90s with MDs.
You probably think AI porn is “stunning” 🤣
‘So great’ would be inaccurate.
I said it “takes a steaming hot dump on what the vast majority of people can do.”
Tell me you feel called out without telling me you feel called out. Lol.
Why would I feel called out by a pattern I’ve seen a few times before and the generation before me saw even more than that?
You’re like the dude in the other 20s, “you fools! Look to the sky! The dirigible has conquered the realm once enjoyed freely only by the birds and angels! I’ll take a streaming hot DUMP on you from here! One golden ticket onto the glorious Hindenburg!”
Flies are just consequences of shit; I don’t feel much of anything about flies I figure 🤷♂️
I think magicians love when audiences are willing to both believe in magic and maintain a respect for the secrecy of their trade.
I’ll tell you what I know for sure: people from my generation are working like their lives depend on it to separate the new generations from their money using our triumphant new invention; so of course this looks like impressive art to younger people and no one else; you’ll love the AI music we sell you too! And wait till you meet all the AI characters we’ve trained for you! You can sit, jaw dropped stifling laughter to hear the next joke designed to make you cackle so hard you piss yourself, in a room full of tailored friends.
There are still tons of real things in this world: they still inspire more fruitful wonder than we do for ourselves and our contraptions.
So what exactly do you consider “impressive art”?
The money argument is frankly a bit pointless at the moment, since nobody has figured out how to make money with AI art. Any new AI tool is replicated by another company within months. The AI art itself is essentially worthless, since everybody can just generate it by themselves for free. A lot of the tools are also Open Source and can run on your own PC locally.
Maybe one day we’ll have some AI-TikTok with an endless stream of user-targeted AI content and ads in between, but that doesn’t exist yet. For the time being, AI is just costing companies money.
It’s leaving an impression on me. What do you consider good art?
Well, you can have it with robots, cows and horses too. That’s the fun of it, it’s endlessly remixable.
I don’t think you’re going to remember that particular image in a week.
That’s just due to the lack of repetition, not due to a lack in the art. If I print it out and hang it on the wall, I am sure remembering it. In the digital realm it’s just one image out of hundreds. That’s the fun with AI art, the act of creation and consumption blur together. The individual image is little more than a starting point for further creation.
I think your generation’s the first to be totally pink for this sort of thing and I’m worried for ya
I’m gutted that you can’t tell the difference. Or that you don’t care to. It’s sad you think this toy is an idol.
Then fucking enlightenment. Everybody keeps talking “AI art bad” yet nobody keeps showing what good art is supposed to be.
It’s an infinite crap generator, which I can see why people are so enamored with it. Because people seem to want a seeming variety of generic junk almost instinctually. Just take a look at the variety of garbage available on all streaming platforms right now, the variety of garbage on YouTube, or even worse a single aisle in any grocery store: shelves full of crap that’s often the same thing with different labels, substances that are utter shit on almost a molecular level but seem appealing or better than others based upon packaging.
Edit: Amazon is nearly a perfection of the instant, endless crap business model. Just imagine when someone hooks up one of these things to a 3d printer. You can then have infinite crap generated entirely based upon your search queries. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a patent application to file…
It’s not even infinite
Can’t wait till it starts feeding on itself cuz it ran out of everything else.
Infinite Jest
Yeah, and that was created by humans. Guess why I like AI art? It can produce way more interesting stuff than that. The bar for “human art” is pretty f’n low. What do you consider “good art”?
The same can be said about any random piece of human created art.
Lol, not that.
Could you please answer the question: What is good art?
Sure, I am after all the sole arbiter of what good art is. /s
I’ll answer like a supreme court justice: I know it when I see it.
Examples are welcome.
I thought some of the early banksy stuff was pretty good.
I’m sure AI can generate an original one of those that’s as evocative because it deeply understands the human experience, has the ability to spray paint on public walls, is aware of trends and culture, and is similarly concerned about the rise of modern fascism and surveillance states.
Ain’t perfect, but close enough for now:
Lol none of those are even in the ballpark.
That’s right, meaninglessly downvote me.
Lol, you guys are fucking pathetic.