I am fucking scared of the mass surveilence nightmare direction that the internet and the world as a whole is going towards… C2PA, france hacking itself into citizen phones, the UK anti encryption law, EU’s chat control, etc. Im also sick of and hate the “you will own nothing and be happy” mentality that corpos try to push. I dont wanna know how the world will look like in 5-10 years.

  • Granixo
    2 years ago

    I’m sorry to be that guy, but it’s the “natural” way things have to go in order to preserve (modern) society.

    I’m from Chile for example, and here we literally CRAVE for a mass surveilence solution in order to prevent crime (i’ve gotten robbed 3 times in the last year and i don’t even live in the capital). And that’s even nothing compared to the situation our neighbour countries have to deal with (mostly corruption and drug gangs ruining everything).

    If you want to live a more peaceful and calm life, that’s totally okay. But it is probably better that YOU looked into a new place to live (a house by the beach or the woods perhaps?) rather than expecting society to adapt to your needs.

    Edit: Added the word “modern”.

      • @[email protected]
        32 years ago

        This feels like a pretty ignorant response. It’s not easy to move and it’s a reasonable request to get robbed fewer than 3 times a year.

        Unless I’m misunderstanding, maybe?

          • Granixo
            02 years ago

            OP doesn’t feel safe specifically in regards to privacy, which of course, is getting harder and harder to get in populated areas of 1st world countries.

            And i just didin’t want to say “get used to it” because it’s apparently something that OP feels really concerned about.

            I think a lot of people would want to move to more isolated, rural areas to gain back their privacy, and i think that’s an issue that’s gonna get more and more talked about in the next generations.

      • Granixo
        2 years ago

        I do have the option of living in a more calm and pretty much crime-free place with my grandparents.

        But i don’t want to get distanced with the rest of my family & friends, besides, i like living in a city, having things to do, walking in busy streets, i dunno, it’s just what i like. :)

    • @[email protected]
      62 years ago

      You probably don’t deserve the downvotes for having spoken your mind, but you might want to be careful of what you wish for. My heart goes out to you for having to face the realities of your own life and conditions, but there is no silver bullet and no utopia to be had until some people are drawn to screw over others for whatever diminishing advantage they derive from their actions, while offloading (“externalizing”) the actual costs onto others and onto society at large.

      I can see why you’d consider an all-powerful surveillance state as an option in your specific situation – but as a thought experiment on the same lines, would you consider moving to say China – where your wishes of total surveillance and absolute power are being implemented to the fullest extent possible – also, arguably to “preserve its society”? It has all the pulls of big city life…

      Sadly, China itself is very likely on the path of forced breeding of its subjects to stabilize its population statistics (not its social fabric), from all the power and control they possess over their people, and from all the surveillance big data and analysis they’ve built for themselves. Would you want to be that unfortunate, unwilling parent, or even more unfortunate, that unwanted child, where your every step, every thought is logged and analyzed by machines, leading to actions and consequences pre-determined by a handful of all-powerful rulers?

      This is probably the most extreme example there is, but all I’m saying is be careful of what you wish for…

      • Granixo
        22 years ago

        Thanks for your answer.

        Well, i do definetly not plan on eventually moving to somewhere like China mostly beacuse of the strict (and abusive) restrictions and censorship that take place there.

        As for the security aspect, i’m all for it 👍

        Now, you did mention parenthood and…

        For me i believe it wouldn’t be an issues since i DO plan on having children in the future.

        But that’s just MY case i’m talking about.

        Of course that it would be abusive to restrict your freedom in exchange for security without your consent. (And even more so, to take away your vote for deciding who’s in charge of the country for the next period, or worse, an undetermined period of time). AKA Dictatorship

        And it is absolutely cruel to force people (specially women) to have children if they don’t want to.

    • @[email protected]
      122 years ago

      If you want to live a more peaceful and safe life, that’s totally okay, but it’s probably better that YOU looked into a new place to live rather than expecting society to adapt to your needs.

    • @[email protected]
      292 years ago

      Have you thought that maybe eradicating social inequality, preventing people from getting desperate and committing crimes, as well as a better funding in education would be less effective than mass surveillance?

      • Granixo
        2 years ago

        That has been our current goverment’s main goal and i think they’ve done great advances on that regard.

        However, it is very difficult to reach people who are already well into a life of crime, not mentioning that a big deal of criminals in the country are inmigrants, (i don’t have anything against inmigration, no matter their place of origin, just to be clear) but it makes it a lot harder to help them due to their irregular situation.