I don’t know about you guys but I’m not really hyped by this one.

First, because of the problems raised in this article concerning the developpement of the game.

Secondly, I’m a bit skeptical with max coming back when we consider that the original devs wanted Max and Chloe’s story to stop after season 1.

Lost Records seems to capture the Life is Strange spirit better than Double Exposure imo but I’d be interested to hear what you think about all this.

  • @b3nsn0wMA
    29 months ago

    oh hella yes i can’t wait, MAX IS BACK!

    lost records is looking amazing as well though

    • @BatRayB
      29 months ago

      I felt a great disturbance in the Force… as if millions of voices suddenly cried out with joy and were cheering and celebrating.

      Best news I’ve heard this year, so glad MAX IS BACK!

      NOW… can the real Chloe please stand up!!!