• @BatRayB
      31 year ago

      Yeah, this is incredible… I don’t know why, but purple just makes everything better…

      “…I think it would piss off the universe, if you walked past a field of purple flowers and not notice it…”

      • @b3nsn0wMA
        21 year ago

        oh yeah, and it’s also their colors. it’s just hella friggin cute

        • @BatRayB
          1 year ago

          I always pictured Max getting a streak of purple in her hair.

          She tried going full pink at first, but that resulted in the infamous “Straw-Crow” incident of '16 …

          Both Max and Chloe fell asleep waiting for the peroxide to bleach her hair, (alcohol to calm the nerves might have played a factor), so instead of 40 minutes, they left it in for 2 hours, (rewind powers could not save the day here unfortunately).

          Victoria made the mistake of referring to her as ‘Straw-Crow Max’, in Chloe’s presence… and suggested she should ask for a refund for the “Bad Halloween party wig”… which resulted in a sulking socialite sporting a painful looking black eye.

          After a second dose of bad luck for our poor hipster, instead of getting the longish ‘Pixie Cut’ Max had asked for, in order to fix the issue, all they could manage was a very short ‘boy-cut’.

          As much as Chloe pretended ‘not to care’, she kind of liked the almost white short hair on Max, and thought it was very ‘Punk’, …but when her hair had finally grown back, they tried a purple streak instead, (which only happened because Chloe can be VERY persuasive when she wants to be.)

  • @merafera86
    21 year ago

    Hey Charles! While I did see and gush over this over on Twitter, I thank you for linking me to this and I apologise for the nearly two week delay in my response…been kind of a weird time.

    Another incredibly beautiful piece of Pricefield fanart by the Queen herself. 💕 Thank you so much, again, to both you and bosterm for commissioning her once again. All of these commissions make me so excited for Elisa’s PF artbook if she decides to go through with it. If she does, I don’t care how much I have to pay for it. Not only is Pricefield my everything, but we’d also be supporting a lesbian artist—who just so happens to be my all-time favourite PF artist—and that means so much to me! I’m also certain that I’ll just lay there bawling, flipping through those beautiful pages in the fetal position from the sheer overwhelming love radiating deep within my heart. 😭 💖

    • Charles12OP
      11 year ago

      You’re welcome! I’m glad you’re also enjoying it!