• @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      The problems are different, and you can fix them in Linux. However, if you like dogshit workflows, a lack of customization, no control or the feeling like your OS is in control instead of you, ads in your OS, and telemetry data being sent, then Windows is the far better option.

  • str82L
    11 year ago

    Is Mint suitable for Surface Book 3? I started digging and it seemed Arch was mostly working but I don’t think I’m ready for that…

  • Genrawir
    441 year ago

    I used to always tell people I use Linux to avoid doing tech support. It was working pretty well for a few years, now my friend just asked me to install it for him. I guess I played myself.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    I dual boot just so I can still have programming software for many of my ham radios. Planning on getting a graphics card soon and then I’ll use windows for that and fallout 🥴

  • @[email protected]
    1251 year ago

    Switch to Linux and spend way more time making sure everything is updated and having to jump through hoops installing things.

      • @[email protected]
        111 year ago

        Lol, I’m not hating. I’ve had Linux before but it took more time then I had at that point learning and I mainly use my personal computers for gaming. Which is less of a headache on windows. That’s just me though.

        • Digester
          81 year ago

          I’m on windows 10, use my PC for work and gaming. The thing with windows is that it works right out of the box, all major softwares are developed for windows in mind. When shit stops working is when you start messing with stuff that isn’t your typical “start the PC -> download program -> install -> run the program -> shut off” which is what most users do. Updating the os, softwares and GPU drivers are easy tasks.

          It’s when you start messing with python or softwares that aren’t too mainstream and require a bit more effort that things have the potential to break. Even then, the os itself won’t break on you unless you really try. I broke windows a few times in 15 years but it’s worth mentioning that I was manually and willingly changing registry keys and messing with a lot of other stuff. Even then most of the time I was able to fix it.

          With Linux is different. If you just use the OS for basic stuff like browsing the internet and editing documents you should be fine for the most part (if you choose a user friendly and stable distro like Ubuntu or Mint). The moment you try getting to run niche softwares or something that requires you to manually open the command prompt to change things in order to accomodate what you’re trying to achieve, that’s where it gets tough for most people. That’s how Linux works, it’s the user’s fault though not the machine’s.

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            I never claimed it wasn’t user error. This was almost 15 years ago and I was just a dumb impatient kid messing around with CentOS.

            • Digester
              -21 year ago

              Fair enough. I would never recommend anyone to switch to Linux unless they absolutely need it for certain applications that are not possible on Windows. Linux requires some level of expertise to operate, that’s the truth because the moment something small breaks (could be something as silly as the package manager) and you don’t know how to trace it back or you don’t know basic terminal commands, you essentially stepped on your own foot.

              I was running Majaro on my old laptop that I only used for basic tasks (mostly studying and taking notes), until I needed the laptop for a music project I was working on. I couldn’t even find the drivers for my audio interface or get any DAW to properly work on Linux, let alone all the plugins I needed. I had to reinstall Windows.

              Now if I ever needed Linux (which I haven’t in a long time) I have a VM set up for it.

              • @[email protected]
                01 year ago

                Trying to remember what I used back then. Had to use something to simulate a windows client ( I had mac) for software I needed to use for class. I decided to mess around using Parallels for a Linux VM.

            • @[email protected]
              51 year ago

              Might want to try again if you haven’t updated your opinion for 15 years. Updating is so much easier and faster on Linux than windows nowadays. You don’t really need the terminal unless you want to on the easier distros. Everytime I see that Windows update screen at work I remember one of the main reasons I abandoned it at home. The software centers make life so much easier than windows. The software updates on its own so you don’t click on a program and then have to update it. Life, imo, is just better with Linux.

        • @[email protected]
          111 year ago

          For me, it’s the right OS for the job. I use Linux for servers, Windows for gaming/work, and MacOS for gaming/personal. However, Linux Gaming is definitely coming along partly thanks to Proton (Valve).

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            Ah that’s right I had heard something about that. Hopefully it continues improving so people don’t feel like they have to choose either Linux or gaming and can base it purely on which OS they like better.

            • Cosmic Cleric
              41 year ago

              You can play the vast majority of games easily on Linux right now.

              I’ve been a gamer my whole life, and I currently have a Linux system and I play every game I want to play on there just fine, either through Steam and/or Bottles/Steam.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Mostly just when you initially install like most OSes ; browsers, office suits, game launchers, etc… My mother doesn’t even notice fedora automatically installing updates when she turns her PC off. (I enabled automatic updates for her)

      Even with my arch Linux install with Hyprland, most of the time I just update before I turn it off. With a terminal command but even that is just paru and my password or flatpak update. If I had kde or gnome desktop, I could set it up to auto update too.

      Sometimes I don’t even bother and use the computer without updating it for a couple of months or it automatically updates when I install new software.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      That is not a problem on any of the major distros, so I’m not sure what you’ve been using. Most distros have a GUI package manager that is awesome and you can update with just a few clicks. So what hoops are you jumping through, and how is this such a problem that it’s costing you time?

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        KDE Neon for me. Previously Linux Mint. Both of their app stores are not great (on KDE Neon it only does flatpaks, and takes a full minute to launch), and my apt has had some kind of broken package/dependency for ages now. Also tried to install some app the other day through apt, cant remember what, but it wanted a different version of a package, but it wouldn’t let me install it cause other things depended on a different version. In the end I just gave up and installed the flatpak instead.

        Also multiple times, on both Mint and Neon, an update has randomly broken my Nvidia driver, so I had to restore a Timeshift backup.

        And Ubuntu/Ubuntu-based distros are supposed to be the easiest.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Know what I love about Linux? It allows you to do whatever you want, that includes breaking things. I like having that power… now if you can’t wield it, or are going to complain about it, then you should be under a more limited account and not be adventuring outside of it. My wife and grandparents have no problems on Linux, but I have them on limited accounts so that they can’t break things.

          Also multiple times, on both Mint and Neon, an update has randomly broken my Nvidia driver, so I had to restore a Timeshift backup.

          Yeah, bad updates happen, that’s to be expected when you support so many different hardware configurations. Windows is no different, they literally deleted user directories with an update in October of 2018, which in my opinion is the most egregious thing you can do to a user. And they have botched so many other things through updates over the years. With Linux, you can boot into a live environment, chroot in, and fix the problem. Easy compared to the alternative of Windows where you are likely re-installing all over. Or worse, and they deleted your family photos like in 2018, and they are gone forever if you didn’t have backups.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            What do you mean “limited account”? Do you mean no sudo access? Because I literally wouldn’t be able to install anything except for flatpaks. Are you implying that the breakages are my fault? Cause if so, what did I do to cause them? I don’t personally think I’ve done anything crazy.

            Also yes, windows breaks things sometimes as well. But my Linux install has broken over 5 times in the year and a half I’ve been using it. My windows install has broken… not once in the past 5 years. I have definitely had problems, but none so bad that I had to restore a backup or fix it with a live usb like I’ve had to with Linux.

            I still like the freedom it gives me, that’s why I still use it. But I feel like recommending it to people who don’t know what they’re doing is a horrible idea.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              Also yes, windows breaks things sometimes as well. But my Linux install has broken over 5 times in the year and a half I’ve been using it.

              I have 1 desktop and 2 laptops running Arch… in the last year, none of them have broken. In the last 5 years a few have broken a total of 4 times, and were back up and running in < 15 minutes. I have 3 servers running Debian, none of them have ever broken in the 5+ years I’ve ran them. The wife’s laptop runs Mint, it has never broken in the last 5+ years she has ran it. So if your install has broken 5 times in one year, then to answer your question:

              “Are you implying that the breakages are my fault?”

              Yeah, most fucking definitely.

              But I feel like recommending it to people who don’t know what they’re doing is a horrible idea.

              That’s because you don’t know what you’re doing, and still do things on it without fully understanding what you’re doing, and break it. Like I said, my wife and grandparents, who have no technical ability whatsoever, don’t have problems. Why do you think that is? They don’t break it, not ever, not even one single time in the last 5+ years. And aside from Arch, which is a cutting edge, rolling release distro, I’ve never had a stable release distro break through updates, ever.

      • @[email protected]
        -81 year ago

        Lol, this was almost 15 years ago and i was just a dumb impatient kid messing around with CentOS. I mainly stopped using it because I couldn’t game on it and I didn’t have as much spare time at school.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          And now you’re grown, right? No longer a dumb impatient kid? But still spouting off an opinion of a dumb impatient kid that is out of date by 15 years?

          • @[email protected]
            -111 year ago

            Seriously getting worked up by a lighthearted joke huh? Lol, you need to calm down buddy. I’m not in the least intimidated or bothered by you and I’m not arguing with someone over something silly like this.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              Not sure why you think I’m upset, or that I’m trying to intimidate you… I’m merely confirming your position, in your own words. If you think I’m insulting you by confirming that position, well then, you may want to reflect on it a bit longer. Also, there is nothing to argue about, you’re objectively wrong.

        • @[email protected]
          131 year ago

          What on earth? Maintaining my Fedora machine has been a breeze, and most games work out the box whenever you install them on Steam!

          Gaming has become the main task I expect my Linux device to do expertly!

          • Cosmic Cleric
            61 year ago

            I can confirm this as a Fedora user.

            All I do is I let the updater run every day. It’s identical to how Windows does it, and it updates and fixes things.

            As far as gaming goes, I either install it via Steam directly, or I use Bottles and I have Bottles put a link into Steam for me, and then I launch it from Steam.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      And brick your install when you want to use a package made for an older version of your distro. Got Debian 11? Good luck running that utility built for Debian 10! (or Ubuntu 22.04 and utility built for 18.04)

    • @[email protected]
      781 year ago

      No idea what you mean. I just quickly wanted to update before calling it a night, got a grub update and now it neither boots the default nor the fallback image. I use Arch BTW.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Yeah I’m not sure the last time you used Linux but it’s nothing like that these days. As long as you stick with a well established distribution you’ll be fine. I haven’t had to go in a “fix” an update in a while, even in some of the beta updates they’re fairly stable.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Lol I used CentOS over 10 years ago so I know it’s not the same. At some point I’ll likely mess around with Linux again. It’s amusing seeing how some got my joking around and others seemed to take it seriously. Maybe I should have put /s or something at the end of what I said. Oh well

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Gaming on Linux is easier now but these Linux communities love gaslighting people. Go to any SteamDeck/Linux sub and you’ll find tons of people having issues they wouldn’t have in Windows.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      I haven’t had this kind of problems with Fedora or Nobara, for me they just work. I’ve had more problems and used more time troubleshooting Windows than Linux

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        I’ve had nothing but problems with Nobara it’s been a nightmare for me. I thought it would be the promised land for Linux gaming.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Gaming is pretty much the same on most distros, Nobara just has some tweaks and made it relatively easy to install proprietary drivers like nvidia, and hardware acceleration codecs etc. What problems you had with Nobara, and what distro you landed after? Just curious

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            Nonstop issues with the display config for Wayland. Forcing x11 helped a lot of issues. Too many weird glitchy OS things to count. Updates corrupting shit. GRUB broke. Generally lackluster performance even though I have decent hardware. I experienced all these issues within the 2 months I’ve been using it, vs windows being comparatively rock solid.

            I haven’t. I’m still using Nobara. I wish it would be better. I am considering Mint (cinnamon) as it’s my fav distro.

  • Iron Lynx
    331 year ago

    ngl, the “switch to linux” crowd is close to a vibe of complaining that “my car is making some weird sounds” and the response is to “buy a new car!” I mean, it would solve the problem of not having that issue with windows/your car, but it also means you have to intrusively replace your workflow and probably find some entirely new programs to do what you already could, and potentially have many new, less explicable problems, just to not have that one tiny problem that you could live around.

    • Justifier
      -31 year ago


      More like someone saying

      “Then change the station”

      When someone complains

      “I don’t like the ads on this radio station that I listen to in my car on the drive home”

      There’s no financial loss by doing so, it’s relatively easy, just have to find out which frequency another broadcast you like is playing on

      • zeus ⁧ ⁧ ∽↯∼
        11 year ago

        depends how much you value your time. if you’ve nothing to do or just like fucking about with your os in your spare time then sure, linux is free. if you’re, say, a freelance graphic designer and actively losing money whilst trying to learn the foibles of a new os, and just fixing the bullshit that win & mac do by default; then it’s decidedly not

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          i think you only say that because you dont know how to use it, its actually easy when you know how to get around and saves you a lot of time compared to other OS :)

          • zeus ⁧ ⁧ ∽↯∼
            11 year ago

            my dude, i haven’t booted into windows in ages. but that proves my exact point: it might save one time if ones workflow involves a lot of tasks that can be scripted. if ones workflow is “launch photoshop; browse the web for inspiration; draw for a bit; close photoshop.”, it won’t save any time. especially due to the hassle of getting photoshop working, or learning a new app like gimp or krita.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              launch photoshop; browse the web for inspiration; draw for a bit; close photoshop

              hAvE yOu tRiEd GiMp?

              • average Linux fanboy. Thank you for not being one of those!
              • zeus ⁧ ⁧ ∽↯∼
                11 year ago

                to be fair, i actually prefer gimp. but i recognise that different things work for different people, and often it’s not worth learning new software unless it brings significant advantages

            • @[email protected]
              01 year ago

              You are stuck on a very specific minor use case.

              I also love that humans are born with Photoshop knowledge but they have to learn Krita. xD

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Car is making some weird sounds -> you slipped a bearing, your head gasket is blown, or something else catastrophic, because you bought a Ford/Kia/etc. -> buy a new car

    • @[email protected]
      311 year ago

      Often it’s worse. It like telling people to move to a different country because the roads are better there.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Yeah nah I think of it kinda like the whole custom ROMs thing for Android. Most people could care less until performance drops to the degree that they have to switch over

  • @[email protected]
    191 year ago

    Every time I try Linux on my own, it’s fine. But God forbid I ever use any device that comes with Linux pre-installed, and I’m cursed. I’m on my third steam deck after it software bricked itself, and our university Linux server is so unstable that it disconnects my session with vim every 30 minutes or so. Pain. At least there’s a method to the madness: trust nobody but myself :P

    • @[email protected]
      201 year ago

      Screen and tmux are your friends in this situation. They can keep your vim session alive when your SSH connection drops, so you can reconnect and continue where you left off.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        I’m using Byobu, which is (apparently) a wrapper for screen and tmux, providing things like sensible hotkeys (F2 new tab, ctrl+F2 vertical split etc).

        Granted, I haven’t used regular screen or tmux, so I’m not sure what they have compared to byobu. Someone just said to use it, and I never went back.

    • Have you tried using Mosh? It’s the “Mobile Shell” which was built to survive the dodgey connections of WiFi, mobile/cell and long distance SSH connections. Well worth a look if you’re having problems with a disconnecting shell.

      It’s available on all versions of Linux, iOS, Mac and Android.

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      Holy hell, three Decks? How did they get bricked? I’ve had mine since the second shipment batch and beyond some very early software issues it’s been pretty solid.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Yeah, the first one was DOA, the second (in the most amazing of ironies) started downloading an update by itself, which dropped my game down to 10fps. When I restarted the deck and the update applied, it corrupted everything so badly that even the BIOS wasn’t left intact. Nothing I did or valve support could do could bring it back, even with reflashing the OS. And while I might be a moron, I’ve also been building/watercooling PCs and tinkering with OSs for well over a decade. That deck was bone stock and on stable channel xD

        I’m on my third one now, and so far it’s been smooth sailing…mostly. I still haven’t put a screen protector on it, because I think that jinxed my last two, lmao. Thank God everything is backed up.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            I am, but I kinda bring it upon myself by getting niche equipment that usually is far outside the norm or not ready for prime time. It’s whatever, haha.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              I got my Steam Deck 3 months after they first started shipping and mine didn’t brick itself until earlier this year soooo