Driverless cars worse at detecting children and darker-skinned pedestrians say scientists::Researchers call for tighter regulations following major age and race-based discrepancies in AI autonomous systems.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      It’s amazing Elon hasn’t figured this out. Then again, Steve Jobs said no iPhone would ever have an OLED screen.

      We should just assume CEO’s are stupid at this point. Seriously. It’s a very common trend we all keep seeing. If they prove otherwise, then that’s great! But let’s start them at “dumbass” and move forward from there.

  • Eager Eagle
    11 months ago

    I hate all this bias bullshit because it makes the problem bigger than it actually is and passes the wrong idea to the general public.

    A pedestrian detection system shouldn’t have as its goal to detect skin tones and different pedestrian sizes equally. There’s no benefit in that. It should do the best it can to reduce the false negative rates of pedestrian detection regardless, and hopefully do better than human drivers in the majority of scenarios. The error rates will be different due to the very nature of the task, and that’s ok.

    This is what actually happens during research for the most part, but the media loves to stir some polarization and the public gives their clicks. Pushing for a “reduced bias model” is actually detrimental to the overall performance, because it incentivizes development of models that perform worse in scenarios they could have an edge just to serve an artificial demand for reduced bias.

    • @[email protected]
      1911 months ago

      I think you’re misunderstanding what the article is saying.

      You’re correct that it isn’t the job of a system to detect someone’s skin color, and judge those people by it.

      But the fact that AVs detect dark skinned people and short people at a lower effectiveness is a reflection of the lack of diversity in the tech staff designing and testing these systems as a whole.

      They staff are designing the AVs to safely navigate in a world of people like them, but when the staff are overwhelmingly male, light skinned, young and single, and urban, and in the United States, a lot of considerations don’t even cross their minds.

      Will the AVs recognize female pedestrians?

      Do the sensors sense light spectrum wide enough to detect dark skinned people?

      Will the AVs recognize someone with a walker or in a wheelchair, or some other mobility device?

      Toddlers are small and unpredictable.

      Bicyclists can fall over at any moment.

      Are all these AVs being tested in cities being exposed to all the animals they might encounter in rural areas like sheep, llamas, otters, alligators and other animals who might be in the road?

      How well will AVs tested in urban areas fare on twisty mountain roads that suddenly change from multi lane asphalt to narrow twisty dirt roads?

      Will they recognize tractors and other farm or industrial vehicles on the road?

      Will they recognize something you only encounter in a foreign country like an elephant or an orangutan or a rickshaw? Or what’s it going to do if it comes across that tomato festival in Spain?

      Engineering isn’t magical: It’s the result of centuries of experimentation and recorded knowledge of what works and doesn’t work.

      Releasing AVs on the entire world without testing them on every little thing they might encounter is just asking for trouble.

      What’s required for safe driving without human intelligence is more mind boggling the more you think about it.

      • @[email protected]
        2411 months ago

        But the fact that AVs detect dark skinned people and short people at a lower effectiveness is a reflection of the lack of diversity in the tech staff designing and testing these systems as a whole.

        No, it isn’t. Its a product of the fact that dark people are darker and children are smaller. Human drivers have a harder time seeing these individuals too. They literally send less data to the camera sensor. This is why people wear reflective vests for safety at night, and ninjas dress in black.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          That doesn’t make it better.

          It doesn’t matter why they are bad at detecting X, it should be improved regardless.

          Also maybe Lidarr would be a better idea.

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          That is true. I almost hit a dark guy, wearing black, who was crossing a street at night with no streetlight as I turned into it. Almost gave me a heart attack. It is bad enough almost getting hit, as a white guy, when I cross a street with a streetlight.

        • @[email protected]
          511 months ago

          This is true but tesla and others could compensate for this by spending more time and money training on those form factors, something humans can’t really do. It’s an opportunity for them to prove the superhuman capabilities of their systems.

        • HelloThere
          211 months ago

          They literally send less data to the camera sensor.

          So maybe let’s not limit ourselves to using hardware which cannot easily differentiate when there is other hardware, or combinations of hardware, which can do a better job at it?

          Humans can’t really get better eyes, but we can use more appropriate hardware in machines to accomplish the task.

      • Eager Eagle
        11 months ago

        These are important questions, but addressing them for each model built independently and optimizing for a low “racial bias” is the wrong approach.

        In academia we have reference datasets that serve as standard benchmarks for data driven prediction models like pedestrian detection. The numbers obtained on these datasets are usually the referentials used when comparing different models. By building comprehensive datasets we get models that work well across a multitude of scenarios.

        Those are all good questions, but need to be addressed when building such datasets. And whether model M performs X% better to detect people of that skin color is not relevant, as long as the error rate of any skin color is not out of an acceptable rate.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      The media has become ridiculously racist, they go out of their way to make every incident appear to be racial now

  • Dizzy Devil Ducky
    611 months ago

    Ya know, I am not surprised that even self driving cars somehow ended up with the case of accidental racism and wanting to murder children. Even though this is a serious issue, it’s still kinda funny in a messed up way.

      • ma11en
        111 months ago

        I was thinking more along the lines of being better at reproducing black skin tones.

        • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
          111 months ago

          On that front, I think Google is the only company actively (or at least publicly) training their image processing feature to adequately handle darker skin

  • Tony Bark
    4311 months ago

    Maybe if we just, I dunno, funded more mass transit and made it more accessible? Hell, trains are way better at being automated than any single car.

    • @[email protected]
      711 months ago

      That works in a city, it’s not viable to have mass transit in every place, you still need cars for total areas

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        Those areas don’t really have silly things like pedestrains, though. They’re also far too small of a market to design self-driving cars for.

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          There are areas that are not rural that need cars, because the public transit sucks.

          There’s no fast way to go to San Jose where my friend lives from Sunnyvale where I’m staying.

          Walking is 3 hours, but walking to a train stop and then walking from the train stop would be about 2 hours. Buses don’t connect well either, so it’s still like 2 hours after you do all the transfers.

          Or I could pay $17 for a Lyft and make it there in 20 minutes.

          Yes, public transit should be better in the suburbs, but you’re talking about a very large SF bay area that needs better connections from everywhere to everywhere

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            The SF Bay area needs more funding for transportation, period. The roads seem to always be under construction and the traffic lights just spontaneously stop working sometimes.

    • Fushuan [he/him]
      111 months ago

      Yes, but also improve kid and dark skin people detection tools, they don’t work just for driving cars. Efficient, fast and accurate people detection and tracking tools can be used in other myriad of stuff.

      Imagine a system that tracks the amount of people in different sections of the store, a system that checks the amount of people going in and out of stores to control how many are inside… There’s a lot of tools that already do this, but and they works somewhat reliably, but they can be improved, and the models being developed for cars will then be reused. I+D is a good thing.

    • @[email protected]
      811 months ago

      The trains in California are trash. I’d love to see good ones, but this isn’t even a thought in the heads of those who run things.

      Dreaming is nice… But reality sucks, and we need to deal with it. Self driving cars are a wonderful answer, but Tesla, is fucking it up for everyone.

      • @[email protected]
        1911 months ago

        Strongly disagree. Trains are nice everywhere in the world. There’s no reason they can’t be nice in the US. Cars are trash. Strip malls are trash. Giant parking lots are trash. The sky high cost of cars is trash. The environmental impact of cars is trash. The danger of cars is trash. Car centric urban planning is trash.

        Self-driving cars are safer… than the most dangerous thing ever. But because cars are inherently so dangerous, they are still more dangerous than just about any other mode of transportation.

        Dreaming is nice, but that’s all self-driving cars are right now. I don’t see why we don’t have better dreams.

        • @[email protected]
          1011 months ago

          A fellow fuckcars fan. Also important to remember that the US has been systematically lobbied to make public transport, trains, etc way worse.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          Chiming in from Seattle, we just built light rail up here and it’s just awful how slow they made it. It has its own track… It’s insane that it’s slower than driving in traffic. But they wanted to serve every neighborhood possible instead of realizing trains are not a last mile solution unless you build cities specifically around it.

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            Reporting from Vancouver, Canada. Our skytrain system is very fast and reliable. Comes every 1-3 minutes. I’ve never heard any complaints.

            I looked this up and I was surprised to learn that the skytrain speed is 25-40km/h (20-25mph) while Seattle’s Link transit goes 35-55mph. That sounds very fast for a city transit system! Are you sure it’s slower than a car in traffic, with all the stop lights and rush hour? I’m skeptical but I’ve never used Link.

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              Google maps right now puts the light rail at one hour on light rail for what is a 23 minute drive. Last time I rode it, it took over an hour and a half for that same trip, and that’s excluding the time waiting for the train.

      • @[email protected]
        711 months ago

        Trains in California suck because of government dysfunction across all levels. At the municipal level, you can’t build shit because every city is actually an agglomeration of hundreds of tiny municipalities that all squabble with each other. At the regional level, you get NIMBYism that doesn’t want silly things like trains knocking down property values… And these people have a voice, because democracy I guess (despite there being a far larger group of people that would love to have trains). At the state level, you have complete funding mismanagement and project management malfeasance that makes projects both incredibly expensive and developed with no forethought whatsoever (Caltrain has how many at-grade crossings, again?).

        This isn’t a train problem, it’s a problem with your piss-poor government. At least crime is down, right?

  • @[email protected]
    411 months ago

    cars should be tested for safety in collisions with children and it should affect their safety rating and taxes. Driverless equipment shouldn’t be allowed on the road until these sorts of issues are resolved.

  • @[email protected]
    6711 months ago

    LiDAR doesn’t see skin color or age. Radar doesn’t either. Infra-red doesn’t either.

    • Square Singer
      211 months ago

      Do lidar and infrared work equally on white and black people? Both are still optical systems, and I don’t know how well black people reflect infrared light.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Seriously no pun intended: infrared cameras see black-body radiation, which depends on the temperature of the object being imaged, not its surface chemistry. As long as a person has a live human body temperature, they’re glowing with plenty of long-wave IR to see them, regardless of their skin melanin content.

        • Square Singer
          311 months ago

          I thought we were talking about near-IR cameras using active illumination (so, an IR spotlight).

          I didn’t think low-wave IR cameras are fast enough and have enough resolution to be used on a car. Every one I have seen so far gives you a low-res low-FPS image, because there just isn’t enough long-wave IR falling into the lens.

          You know, on any camera you have to balance exposure time and noise/resolution with the amount of light getting into the lens. If the amount of light decreases, you have to either take longer exposures (->lower FPS), decrease the resolution (so that more light falls onto one pixel), or increase the ISO, thereby increasing noise. Or increase the lens diameter, but that’s not always an option.

          And since long-wave IR has super little “light”, I didn’t think the result would work for cars, which do need a decent amount of resolution, high FPS and low noise so that their image recognition algos aren’t confused.

    • @[email protected]
      5711 months ago

      LiDAR, radar and infra-red may still perform worse on children due to children being smaller and therefore there would be fewer contact points from the LiDAR reflection.

      I work in a self driving R&D lab.

      • Square Singer
        311 months ago

        How about skin color? Does darker skin reflect LiDAR/infrared the same way as light skin?

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          Infrared cameras don’t depend on you reflecting infrared. You’re emitting it.

          All matter emits light; the frequencies that it’s brightest in depend on the matter’s temperature. Objects around human body temperature mostly glow in the long-wave infrared. It doesn’t matter what your skin color is; “color” is a different chunk of spectrum.

          • Square Singer
            511 months ago

            Sorry, I misunderstood. I know about all that, I just thought it meant active infrared lighted cameras. So basically, an IR light on the car, illuminating the road ahead, and then just using a near-IR camera like a regular optical camera.

            I didn’t think it meant a far-IR camera passively filming black body radiation, because I thought the resolution (both spacially and temporally) of these cameras is usually really low. Didn’t think they were fast and high-res enough to be used on cars.

    • @[email protected]
      911 months ago

      That’s a fair observation! LiDAR, radar, and infra-red systems might not directly detect skin color or age, but the point being made in the article is that there are challenges when it comes to accurately detecting darker-skinned pedestrians and children. It seems that the bias could stem from the data used to train these AI systems, which may not have enough diverse representation.

      • @[email protected]
        1711 months ago

        The main issue, as someone else pointed out as well, is in image detection systems only, which is what this article is primarily discussing. Lidar does have its own drawbacks, however. I wouldn’t be surprised if those systems would still not detect children as reliably. Skin color wouldn’t definitely be a consideration for it, though, as that’s not really how that tech works.

  • @[email protected]
    911 months ago

    I’d assume that’s either due to bias in the training set, or poor design choices. The former is already a big problem in facial recognition, and can’t really be fixed unless we update datasets. With the latter, this could be using things like visible light for classification, where the contrast between target and background won’t necessarily be the same for all skin tones and times os day. Cars aren’t limited by DNA to only grow a specific type of eye, and you can still create training data from things like infrared or LIDAR. In either case though, it goes to show how important it is to test for bias in datasets and deal with it before actually deploying anything…

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      In this case it’s likely partly a signal to noise problem that can’t be mitigated easily. Both children and dark skinned people produce less signal to a camera because they reflect less light. children because they’re smaller, and dark skinned people because their skin tones are darker. This will cause issues in the stereo vision algorithms that are finding objects and getting distance to them. Lidar would solve the issue, but companies don’t want to use it because lidars with a fast enough update rate and high enough resolution for safe highway driving are prohibitively expensive for a passenger vehicle (60k+ for just the sensor)

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      Darker toned people are harder to detect because they reflect less light. The tiny cheap sensors on cameras do not have enough aperture for lower light detections. It’s not training that’s the problem it’s hardware.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Worse than humans?!

    I find that very hard to believe.

    We consider it the cost of doing business, but self-driving cars have an obscenely low bar to surpass us in terms of safety. The biggest hurdle it has to climb is accounting for irrational human drivers and other irrational humans diving into traffic that even the rare decent human driver can’t always account for.

    American human drivers kill more people than 10 9/11s worth of people every year. Id rather modernizing and automating our roadways would be a moonshot national endeavor, but we don’t do that here anymore, so we complain when the incompetent, narcissistic asshole who claimed the project for private profit turned out to be an incompetent, narcissistic asshole.

    The tech is inevitable, there are no physics or computational power limitations standing in our way to achieve it, we just lack the will to be a society (that means funding stuff together through taxation) and do it.

    Let’s just trust another billionaire do it for us and act in the best interests of society though, that’s been working just gangbusters, hasn’t it?

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      Not necessarily worse than humans, no, just worse than it can detect light skinned and tall people.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        Your proving their point. That’s Tesla, the one run by an edgy, narcissistic, billionaire asshole, not the companies with better tech under (and above, in this case) the hood.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          All I am saying is that the article doesn’t attempt to make any comparison between human’s and AI’s ability to detect dark skinned people or children… the “worse” mentioned in the poorly worded (misleading) headline was comparing the detection rates of AI only.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      Ah yes, because all humans are equally bad drivers.

      A self-driving car shouldn’t compete with the average human because the average human is a fucking idiot. A self-driving car should drive better than a good driver, or else you’re just putting more idiots on the road.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        Replacing bad drivers with ok drivers is a net win. Let’s not leave perfection be the enemy of progress.

  • @[email protected]
    1911 months ago

    This has been the case with pretty much every single piece of computer-vision software to ever exist…

    Darker individuals blend into dark backgrounds better than lighter skinned individuals. Dark backgrounds are more common that light ones, ie; the absence of sufficient light is more common than 24/7 well-lit environments.

    Obviously computer vision will struggle more with darker individuals.

    • @[email protected]
      1711 months ago
      1. No it’s because they train AI with pictures of white adults.

      2. It literally wouldn’t matter for lidar, but Tesla uses visual cameras to save money and that weighs down everyone else’s metrics.

      Lumping lidar cars with Tesla makes no sense

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      If the computer vision model can’t detect edges around a human-shaped object, that’s usually a dataset issue or a sensor (data collection) issue… And it sure as hell isn’t a sensor issue because humans do the task just fine.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        And it sure as hell isn’t a sensor issue because humans do the task just fine.

        Sounds like you have never reviewed dash camera video or low light photography.

      • @[email protected]
        611 months ago

        Do they? People driving at night quite often have a hard time seeing pedestrians wearing dark colors.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    It’s almost like less contrast against a black road or smaller targets are computationally more difficult to detect or something! Weird! How about instead of this pretty clear fact, we get outraged and claim it’s racism or something! Yeah!!

  • @[email protected]
    111 months ago

    Okay? It’s not like these systems are actually intelligent. Anything different from the majority of cases is going to be at an inherent disadvantage in being detected, right? At the volume of data used for their models, surely it’s just a matter of statistics.

    Maybe I’m wrong (and I’m surely using the wrong terminology), but it seems like that must be the case. It’s not some issue of human racial bias, just a bias based on relative population. Or is my understanding that flawed?

    Mind you, I’m not saying it doesn’t need to be remedied posthaste.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      Yes, the issue is the data used to teach the systems that people look like are biased towards white men most likely.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Weird question, but why does a car need to know if it’s a person or not? Like regardless of if it’s a person or a car or a pole, maybe don’t drive into it?

    Is it about predicting whether it’s going to move into your path? Well can’t you just just LIDAR to detect an object moving and predict the path, why does it matter if it’s a person?

    Is it about trolley probleming situations so it picks a pole instead of a person if it can’t avoid a crash?

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      Cameras and image recognition are cheaper than LIDAR/RADAR, so Tesla uses it exclusively.

    • @[email protected]
      711 months ago

      Conant and Ashby’s good regulator theorem in cybernetics says, “Every good regulator of a system must be a model of that system.”

      The AI needs an accurate model of a human to predict how humans move. Predicting the path of a human is different than predicting the path of other objects. Humans can stand totally motionless, pivot, run across the street at a red light, suddenly stop, fall over from a heart attack, be curled up or splayed out drunk, slip backwards on some ice, etc. And it would be computationally costly, inaccurate, and pointless to model non-humans in these ways.

      I also think trolley problem considerations come into play, but more like normativity in general. The consequences of driving quickly amongst humans is higher than amongst human height trees. I don’t mind if a car drives at a normal speed on a tree lined street, but it should slow down on a street lined with playing children who could jump out at anytime.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        Thanks, you make some good points. (safe) human drivers drive differently in situations with a lot of people in them, and we need to replicate that in self-driving cars.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        Anyone who quotes Ashby et al gets an upvote from me! I’m always so excited to see cybernetic thinking in the wild.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      They need to safely ignore shadows, oil stains on the road, just because there’s contrast on an image doesn’t mean it’s an object.

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        Sure but why on earth are we relying on cameras to drive cars? Many modern cars have radar, which is far more reliable.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          Natural vision is awesome, it works for billions of humans. We just have nothing close to what the human eyes and brain offers in terms of tech in that spectrum.

          I think it needs to be a combination of sensors since radar sucks in the rain/snow/fog.

    • @[email protected]
      811 months ago

      Im guessing it can’t detect them as objects at all, not that it can’t classify them as humans.