• merlin
    21 year ago

    Kind of new to this. I thought threads didn’t yet implement activitypub and therefore couldn’t federate with other apps. So how did lemmy defederate from meta? Or is that just a promise to never federate with meta?

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Yeah it’s kind of a pre-emptive thing, so when (if) Threads does turn on federation, they’re already blocked.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    So are there any real downsides to having an account on this instance? I chose it randomly when I signed up and don’t know enough about the situation.

    Should I be concerned enough to go make another account or is it essentially meaningless at the end of the day?

    • Username02
      11 year ago

      You’ll probably run into some ban-happy admin that’s all.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      I think most of us are very new to this, we are learning about instances, server, communities, federation etc and how are they different, as reddit user it will take us time to grasp the general idea. But one thing great about lemmy is the freedom to choose instance , so if you don’t like something hop to another instance where it resonates with your like, take a look at community which you follow and instance associated with it.

      I feel these few months most of the user will be instance hopping 🤣, and slowly as time goes most of us will settle down to our new home. And I am sure you will find your answer too by then.

    • @[email protected]
      -91 year ago

      I guess follow your beliefs on this one. Also, it’s possible that by you being there, you add to the number of active users on that instance, therefore increasing the appeal for newer users to join in and possibly donate to the founders. (which are tankies)

    • Deceptichum
      71 year ago

      You may lose out on some content as instances have defederated from it. Although most of the hardcore tankies moved to lemmygrad.ml, leaving lemmy.ml as the clean PRC PR face so it’ll probably not see as much defederation.

  • SloganLessons
    101 year ago

    If they keep it to themselves, it shouldn’t be a problem.

    If they ban and censor users because of those views though…

    • @[email protected]
      -61 year ago

      Don’t know how true it is, but I saw a post claiming that they were banned for criticizing the CCP.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          Not only that, they despise leftist movements that call modern China what it is. Revisionist.

          They hate Khrushchev while embracing the same bankrupt ideology that he pushed, but only whoever it’s in one of the countries that currently claim to be socialist. The social imperialism of the USSR was replaced by the social imperialism of Deng’s China and that was a good thing in their mind.

        • @[email protected]
          -11 year ago

          Right isn’t a synonym for evil. The left has a lot of genodical leaders, like Stalin, Mao, Castro, just to name the biggest ones.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Short answer: folk who are so pro-Communist that they think the Tiananmen Square massacre was a good thing. The massacre in which the CCP bulldozed protestors with tanks.

      Hence, “tankie”

      Edit: apparently I’m wrong on the origin of the term, and it predates Tiananmen Square. See the reply below.

      I will add that given the current projection of power currently, China is a far more powerful authoritarian communiststate than Russia, so most tankie propaganda is China-centric these days.

          • Jee
            11 year ago

            I must be blessed, never seen or know much about that instance outside of some memes poking fun of em

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            I’ve learned not to lean into labels - the right seems to be as dangerous to democracy as the far left, as they seem to now embrace the tactics of what we used to consider “leftie” or communism. They want to maintain control and don’t care how they get it.

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                I’d say theory has been refined in practice.

                Edit: And this is why I don’t like labels. You think you know what I said because I wanted to define your label.

                Horseshoe Theory has many critics. I personally don’t think of it as elitism in the center and popularism at the ends. That’s not true - neither end is Popularist. These extremes just oppose whatever the democratic status quo is. They want extreme solutions and anyone who tries to moderate is labeled Elitist or Capitulant…both labels deny that most of us live in the center, trying to balance one sides wants with the other.

                I reiterate: Labels are a bad idea.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 year ago

                  I would add that extremism of any kind will never get full support of most of the population, so whenever they get any kind of power, it leads to the same authoritarian patters, brutal targetting of opposition, elimination of plurality of opinion, all-encompassing propaganda etc.

                  Extremism leads to structures which are antithetic to freedom, basically.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              I don’t disagree, so long as we’re talking about similar distances from center when we say ‘far’. At least in the US, people talk about the far right and the far left, except they’re really talking about people who are slightly left. US doesn’t have far left. Far left is the USSR and other authoritarian communist states (I’m unsure if any of these still exist).

              Though honestly I think it just makes more sense to push back against anyone who’s too far on the authoritarian scale as I feel like that’s mostly what people have a problem. Governments (in my opinion) need to be at least a bit authoritarian in order to enforce laws at all, but a lot of the modern political sphere is pushing hard on overly authoritarian policies in nearly every space and country.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Libertarian vs autoritarian. Left vs right.

              You’re comparing apples to oranges. Both the left and the right can be good. The problem is that people are hungry for power and money. Any system crumbles when the foundations are based on greed and corruption.

              I really hate the left vs right fight, it is pointless. Both systems can be good, both systems have flaws, both systems can be exploited, both systems have been exploited in the past… A system isn’t going to save you from a corrupted government and corrupted private interests

              • @[email protected]
                01 year ago

                Libertarianism, IMHO, has always been a sheeps-clothing for Authoritarianism. All it does is break it down to “the wants of the individual overriding society”, but winking & knowing full well it only works when individuals collect and work as a group. Libertarianism === Authoritarianism.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  That’s just ignoring anarchism and libertarian socialism which is very much anti-authoritarian. That said, in the US libertarianism is pretty bastardized (right-libertarianism) and doesn’t reflect what libertarian means around the rest of the world.

        • @[email protected]
          121 year ago

          Yeah, extreme left wing basically. Think that capitalism should be overthrown by force. Same as jan6-ers but pro Communist

          • The Stoned Hacker
            291 year ago

            Nah tankies specifically are those that support Maxist-Leninism to a fault. Thats why they sypport the tanks rolling over student protestors. They’ll fight for single party state socialism that winds up not as a vanguard, but as corrupt state capitalism. Other leftists despise them because revolution doesn’t necessarily mean becoming the USSR, nor should it.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          Wrong spectrum. Both Republicans and Tankies are authoritarian, which is why they feel similar (especially because current republicans are barely even conservative and have mostly gone all in on the authoritarian part).

      • @[email protected]
        151 year ago

        Well, the tanks in question are actually those sent by the USSR to crush the Hungarian Revolution and Prague uprising.

      • Deceptichum
        1 year ago

        That’s a wrong answer.

        It’s in relation to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia during the Prague spring, where they were doing evil things like giving people more freedoms and not having everything under centralised authoritarian state control so the soviets sent over some tanks to kill people and enforce their imperialistic control over the country.

        Ironically enough doing more to encourage actual communism than the larpers in Russia ever did.


        In your defence, it’s confusing trying to keep track of who these authies murdered with tanks.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Wow thanks! TIL :)

          Yeah honestly I’m pretty socialist but not authoritarian in the slightest. Hearts and minds first.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Nah, I use Linux (for some things, anyhow) and am a far more moderate lefty than some that I’ve seen around Lemmy thus far.

    • Rabbithole
      -51 year ago

      Tbf the Venn diagram of that is a circle within a circle, so…

      • BrokebackHampton
        1 year ago

        What’s the point of specifically looking for the tankie instance just so you can say See? Lemmy is overrun by tankies. At that point it looks like you’re just trying to get outraged.

        The amount of content I’ve seen on the front page endlessly crying and whining over these evil tankies far exceeds the amount of tankie content I’ve run across involuntarily, which remains at a staggering 0.

        It’s got big “And are these tankies in the room with us right now?” vibes tbh.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Not “overrun”. Run, lemmy.ml specifically, as in the instance admins are tankies.

          You’re missing the point, hopefully not intentionally.

          • BrokebackHampton
            1 year ago

            I don’t think I’m missing the point actually, I’m aware the instance admins are tankies.

            Like I said before, are these tankie admins flooding the instance with their tankie content? This hasn’t been my experience at all but if that’s your situation, you’re free to just leave for any other place in the Fediverse that is defederated from lemmy.ml.

            If you’re not seeing tankie content by these admins, but simply the fact of them being tankies proves to be such a taxing moral challenge to you, the same as before applies. I know lots of people that went to Kbin specifically because they didn’t want to deal with lemmy.ml admins and their values (personally I think this is a bit much but everyone is free to do as they please, I won’t judge people who do it).

            What I don’t get is the “Ok Imma stay but I will be complaining the WHOLE TIME” mindset.

              • @[email protected]
                61 year ago

                Then who cares if one instance has tankie admins? I hope that we have all kinds of admins hosting different instances.

                • Aer
                  91 year ago

                  There were cases of them deleting posts that critisced certain governments. Hence why I am on Lemmy.World and not that instance.

                  There are good reasons not to like/trust them outside of a “flood of content” those kinds of users don’t go on ml they are on Lemmygrad and they are equally awful, which is why I am not on that instance.

              • BrokebackHampton
                1 year ago

                Nobody here besides you mentioned flooding or being overrun.

                I didn’t say they are flooding it, I presented the hypothetical case, as in “Are they flooding it? If yes A, if no then B” I hope that’s within the boundaries of your reading comprehension.

                If the answer is a No, as it was assumed with this question, then it leads right back to the second part of the comment you replied to.
                What is the issue then? The fact itself of admins being tankies? If so, you can just leave and seek an instance that is defederated from lemmy.ml

                You’re attacking a strawman

                Implying this comment section isn’t a giant tankie strawman LMAO.

          • @b3nsn0wA
            41 year ago

            left wing and right wing are the wrong qualifiers here. even the two-dimensional political compass is oversimplified but the auth/lib axis is a hell of a lot more accurate in this case than the left/right axis. (and i’m not here to defend right wingers, but tankies specifically have this stick in their ass.)

            but yes, tankie bullshit is the same as alt-right bullshit, just under a different flag, and a somewhat different plan on what to do with the world once they install their dictators and wipe the undesirables.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            Not everything bad is right wing. Take your unsavory elements, stop acting like they belong with others.

          • FriendOfFalcons
            41 year ago

            Yeah, it’s something else reading on a Lemmy instance, under a hammer and sickle how the worst thing Putin does is “transphobia”. And how the west is doing lying propaganda because Kinzhal could never be intercepted by the inferior Patriot.

            • @[email protected]
              71 year ago

              I despise them saying “oH bUt wHat aBoUt zElensky” whenever there are any posts about the Ukrainian-Russian war. Whataboutism at it’s finest.