
  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    I want to love my FP3 but it loves to crap out by being slow or just crash prone. I replaced my camera because it accumulated dust behind the lense, because it is replacable.

    … still wouldn’t buy any other phone, it works well enough in all aspects and is a bit like the slightly crappy car you still love <3 Next one will be a FP5 :)

  • AlexisFR
    31 year ago

    Will it really get Android 13? I see no trace of it on the release notes

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    That is amazing! I had a Fairphone 1 and used it until the ‘on’ button broke which was about the only thing not available from the parts store. Now I have a Fairphone 3, have had it for a few years now. I might get the camera module upgrade as I still have an old one and it’s the only disappointing thing about the phone. I’ve been looking forward to fixing my phone because the modular design they made is amazing, but absolutely nothing has broken yet in my 3 years of use!

    • Little1Lost
      31 year ago

      Here is a pic i done with the libre camera app on the FP3 with the newer camera module i did a few days ago without zoom at three mice
      I think it is better to have a seperate camera but for the normal everyday use it is okay

        • Little1Lost
          11 year ago

          the thing is that the cam has no system that proccess the raw fotage to something better. A few years ago samsing and apple had the same camera hardware but the quality of the samsung pics where better because they had an better ai or something

  • @[email protected]
    621 year ago

    I bought my Fairphone 3 at the start of 2020. I love it. I love the fact I can dissamble it with the provided screwdriver in two minutes.

    I love that I can buy replacement parts for it if anything breaks without having to get some kind of expensive repair from Apple or Samsung. Ive replaced the charging port on this phone and I’ll be replacing the battery soon too. Giving people the ability to fix and maintain their own devices is fantastic.

    I am hoping to get a decade out of this device and I’m nearing 4 years with no complaints so far. I’m a little bit dissapointed they got rid of the headphone jack on the Fairphone 4. While you can get adapters etc, it shouldn’t be necessary imo. That alone is my biggest gripe with that device. Aside from that though, they make great devices and I highly reccomend them

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      The removal of the headphone jack is what made me call complete bullshit on their whole “repairability and sustainability” schtick. At the same time of the removal, they began selling their own wireless earbuds. So now you can’t use wired headphones with their phones, and instead have to buy a pair of wireless ones (which they conveniently sell to you) which will eventually have their internal batteries die and need to go to a landfill because none of it is repairable. I initially thought they were a pretty good company with decent values, but ever since they did that I no longer care about them.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Well, when I ordered my FP4 last year the wireless earbuds were included for free. Still bought an adapter for aux that i keep in my car. I think this is fairly acceptable. Now my only problem is that they didn’t offer an adapter with both aux and USB for charging.

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          It’s still more waste. An adapter is a bigger use of materials, extra cost, and another point of failure. Hardly a sound decision for a self-proclaimed “sustainable” manufacturer.

      • oce 🐆
        71 year ago

        I disagree with this choice, but I don’t think they are bullshiting, I think they are walking a difficult line of trying to be sustainable, up to date with the technology (adding 5G this early is also very questionable IMO), attractive for consumers and not completely unaffordable, which leads to difficult compromises.

          • oce 🐆
            31 year ago

            Here are some: making the design easier, making reaching IP rating easier. Again, I’m not saying it would not be possible to make those with a jack, but maybe considering the aforementioned compromise, it was easier to ditch it.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            Exactly. It’s a bullshit excuse to sell headphones. So fuck that.

            Love the phone otherwise but won’t buy without a jack.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        The removal of the headphone jack is what made me call complete bullshit on their whole “repairability and sustainability” schtick.

        I have a similar opinion. I feel Fairphone is simply using the vegan/green/ecofriendly schtick to target those buyers for making money, as we can clearly see their BoM is very much similar to any run of the mill phone OEM.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        Yeah that was a disappointing moment. Though I think you can still use wired headphones with an adapter that connects them to USB-C.

  • Cegorach
    81 year ago

    It’s nice. For me.

    I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone though. People who know how to handle the issues (i.e. how to replace the stock OS - it sucks, but /e/OS is okay) don’t need my recommendation.

    For most people it’s just a pretty expensive mid-range-specced phone.

  • 👁️👄👁️
    81 year ago

    It is a valid reason from the OEMs because they have to rely on their chip manufacturers for security updates. It’s literally out of their control to do updates that long except when it comes to the OS.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      But if you’re getting a better phone much more frequently, then you’re winding up spending more and having a much higher environmental/social impact.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        @pingveno That’s true, but still, most people are thinking like me unfortunately. Fairphone needs to find a way to make the phone more appealing to the masses. If they success and people start addopting it, competitors would have to adapt. I don’t know if I’m making sense, just looking at it from a John Doe perspective.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      What do you mean lower the price? It’s Fairphone, meaning, Fairtrade and all that. You’re supposed to pay more.

  • @[email protected]
    221 year ago

    I had the Fairphone 2 and I loved it. It was like Lemmy, you never really knew if it would work the next morning but the community was great.

    After replacing the battery once, without any tools whatsoever, and upgrading the camera, with a small screwdriver, it lasted for more than five years.

    Since then, I’ve had a company phone but when it breaks, I will check out Fairphone first. Of course there is no such thing as a sustainable, or “fair” phone, but at least in 2016, this was often discussed in their trancparacy reports? The official forum was also very aware. Some raw materials where sourced to the exact mine, others thei openly said they couldn’t control at the time.

    Additionally, they offered the phone with root acces so trying out alternative os was never any problem. It’s the closest Ive ever been to a Google free life.

  • @[email protected]
    181 year ago

    for me, the biggest issue with the fairphone is that they attempted to embrace everything: modular, sustainable, fair trade, etc

    their competitors do none of that, so the quality/cost ratio turns out way off and that prevents their market share to grow sustainably (pun intended). the few people I know who use it, are the profile that is used to do sacrifices like that (like buying sustainable food at large markups, etc) but that’s not feasible or desirable to the vast majority

    imo they should have picked a concept and perfected it - preferably the modular part which is the best thing you can do and brings tangible value to users. then move on to the other things… that’s a great cautionary tale about trying to be the good guys in capitalism, the system is not in their favour

    • wagesof
      61 year ago

      For me the problem is the SoC they chose was too slow to be viable in 2018, let alone today.

      • @[email protected]
        111 year ago

        “Too slow to be viable” is a bit strong. I’ve had a fairphone 4 for at least a year now and I’ve had no issues.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          I want these people to try living with an ancient galaxy s5 for a couple months, browsing the web is borderline physically painful, it gets so hot that touching the screen almost burns you, and it has so little RAM that it struggles to keep two apps active at once.

          Literally if i have music playing and i open the browser it usually kills the music in the background.

      • @b3nsn0wA
        71 year ago

        my current phone has the same soc and there are absolutely no issues there. will report back once i get my fairphone 4, hopefully tomorrow

        if you’re not gaming on your phone (and if you are, 1. why, 2. get a steamdeck), i honestly don’t see how you would notice the soc. the only time i ever noticed that my phone was weak in the past five years (and my current phone is the only one that was low-mid-range, not actual low-end, save for an iphone se 3rd gen i had for half a year) was during zooming into an abnormally large upscaled r/place image. a phone’s performance is not really something that should be a consideration for the average user nowadays, anything can run basic apps that should have been websites and play back video. the mid-tier 2021 soc in the fairphone 4 definitely qualifies.

        if the complaint is about the fairphone 3, then absolutely fair, i do remember that that one did manage to be hella slow. i wanted one back then and it was one of the major issues.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago
          1. I’m gaming in moonlight so it needs a good decoder
          2. I’m way too poor for a steam deck

          Slide in a 3 here just cause termux x11 + box64droid is really coming along well and I want to be able to play all my games in my phone lol. Especially cause where I work has a lot of down time, but obviously not room for a full pc

          • Atemu
            1 year ago

            I’m gaming in moonlight so it needs a good decoder

            Almost any modern SoC can decode 1080p60 HEVC in real-time. That part is handled in dedicated hardware; the speed of the CPU or GPU next to it does not matter.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              Thank God I referred to that dedicated hardware by name eh? Did some research and the fair phone supports hvec at 8 bit, not 10.

              Personally that looks a bit washed out, and the battery wouldn’t hold up too well - so it’d be a pass for me

              Edit: the fair phone 4 would fair (lol) a lot better though

              • Atemu
                11 year ago

                You did not specify that you need a 10-bit capable decoder. Given that the screen is 8-bit, that would be kind of unusual to have outside of niche applications such as this one.

                8 vs. 10 bit shouldn’t make the image look better outside of toning down banding artefacts. There might be an indirect colour transformation taking place here.

        • wagesof
          1 year ago

          I do some light nuisance games on my phone, but I absolutely can tell the difference between the 888 in my phone and a 865, let alone the thing in the fairphone.

          Sure, I’m spoiled, but I am not willing to give up 120hz at 120fps in my apps and instant loading in the ui nor will I ever get anything but oled again.

          If you’re asking for a 5+ year commitment to the device, which is kind of what this repairability thing does, you either have to be at the leading edge or have an upgrade path.

          Fairphone has neither, they’re starting at 2 years behind but want me to pay as if they’re a modern midrange.

          • @b3nsn0wA
            11 year ago

            i find their asking price fair tbh. yeah, it’s not competitive spec-wise, but it’s what they have to do to keep up their model. they’re not big enough to make their own components like screens or have someone make a screen just for them, so they need to find components that will be available for seven years. fair trade materials are also more expensive because all that slave labor and shit does give the not so fair alternatives an edge in the market. the r&d cost for a small phone manufacturer is also spread across fewer units, components also cost more when you’re ordering them in smaller amounts, supporting the phone for seven years has its associated costs (on top of not having your customers buy phones 2-3x more frequently), and the sustainable business model does also have overhead compared to riding the razor on the stock market or being VC-funded.

            the fairphone is not cheap, but if you care about what they do, care about actually owning your phone (both in terms of rooting and os access, and in terms of hardware access and repairability), and would like to be able to use it for a long time, this is just what it takes. if apple or samsung or google made a fairphone, it would cost less due to their scale, but it would still cost more than the phone you have with the 888. but if you can feel a single-gen upgrade there, you’d likely want to upgrade at a higher frequency anyway.

            from what i’ve seen, some people do use phones the way you do, but a lot of people only swap phones when needed. for them, a fairphone that they can keep for 5-7 years and keep alive even if something happens to it could still be cheaper than the 2-3 other phones they’d need over the same period of time.

            • wagesof
              11 year ago

              I don’t see myself doing anything with my s21 other than a new battery in another year.

              My problem isn’t necessarily the price being so high, it’s that the performance is just trash for that price. The repairability for a phone in that performance class is OK. In my mind I compare it to an A6 in performance which comes with amoled screen and there’s enough parts on the market to rebuild it forever. The only advantage fairphone has is that there’s no glue on the back panel there’s thousands of A9s already manufactured.

              And the A6 costs < $100 on the used market with a new battery.

              IMHO fairphone is making e-waste by making more already obsolete phones and taking advantage of people’s desire to think they’re saving the world by using a repairable phone when getting something of better quality/performance from the used market is actually better for the environment.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    This is awesome, but makes me salty. When I first heard about them I was stoked and wanted one. But at the time they weren’t selling in the US. I needed a new phone so I caved and went with Samsung for the s23. And recently they announced they’d be selling to the US. This is great but hind sight is 20/20…

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Do those 7 years of updates come at a steady clip for the Android security patches as Google and Samsung mostly do it, or is it a patch here and there with massive swaths of time with no patches more like Motorola?

    The former is progress, the latter is functionally not much better than every other OEM.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    How do you share post ? I wanted to tell my friends about this, there is no share button in jerboa