Firstly, wanted to thank the guys that set this all up, its great having a place to come visit again. I wonder what’s going to happen to our old Reddit LIS sub, I will miss you.

I have posted a LOT of content on that sub over the 4 years I was a member.

Week One.

I get this horrible flu, I’m so sick, the thought of getting out of bed to check on the posts, and make comments on the awesome art is too much to process. So I check in on my phone, and go back to sleep afterwards.

The next few days are a blur, but I log on again a day or two later, only to find Reddit is on a blackout. I sigh, and wait for the sub to come back up again.

No news for days.

A few more days go by, in the mean time, I visit my LIS fan-fic sites, read a few updated chapters, and visit Tumblr for my Pricefield fix.

Its not enough.

Its not quite the same.

Week Two.

The blackout endures. I work on my own Chloe Ghost Rider fic, but the motivation is just not there.

It gets me down.

I hardly check in to any of the LIS sites.

My choice of music reverts to generic, “Indie Folk 2023” collections. Arcadia Bae Tunes, sit untouched.

Week Three.

I know some great fans have started up this new group for us to visit. But I haven’t been able to motivate myself to join. I have hope it will be as popular as the old one.

I miss my pirates.

I hadn’t touched my own fic in many days.

It all changes the second I install a demo on my Xbox for a game called Lies of P. The game intro starts with a blue butterfly interacting with Pinocchio, and i’m floored.

Its as if that same blue butterfly from LIS, that landed on that bucket in Blackwell, lured me back to LIS.

It wanted to tell me, hey! Stop your sulking, and get back to the game series you love!

Week Four.

The next big thing happens, I watch the Flash movie, and think to myself, Max wouldn’t have made such a big mess of the timelines… would she? Would she?

I walk in to my office a day or two ago, and find a new chair waiting for me, still sealed in its packaging. finally, I got a new office chair after years of using the same old one. My first instinct is to sit… and ask myself… I wonder how heavy is… and whether it was cool enough for Chloe to want to steal it.

I realize I have a LIS problem.

I realize I miss these adorkable goops too much!

That’s when I got a message from a Admin at the new groups asks if I managed to sign up.

I registered, and now i’m here.

Life is Strange.