Is it still maintained ? I’d probably go with FreeBSD if I’m switching to BSD at all. It has ZFS out of the box and has support for nvidia’s non opensource driver. I have used it as a desktop OS for a good 3 months, it was pretty good (even though I couldn’t game on it)
We’ve all agreed that when he dies it would be disrespectful to keep using Linux so we’ll pack it up and switch to Windows from them on.
The year of the netbsd desktop is finally here.
what’s the bsd equivalent to arch
OpenBSD, probably
Is it still maintained ? I’d probably go with FreeBSD if I’m switching to BSD at all. It has ZFS out of the box and has support for nvidia’s non opensource driver. I have used it as a desktop OS for a good 3 months, it was pretty good (even though I couldn’t game on it)
I think BSD is the BSD equivalent to arch.
Yeah isn’t Arch heavily inspired by the BSD way?
“I’m using netBSD btw…”
I’ll go back to HaikuOS, it should be ready by then. ReactOS will still be working on Win98 support.
But what happens when Bill Gates is dead?!
Return to monke
All the vaccine microchips activate and we all become Bill Gates. ʘ‿ʘ
That would be one helluva evil plan.
What a blessed day.
MSed day to you
Might be better than Being John Malkovich
We all become MacroHard
cheering in the streets? orgies?
Bill Gates will never die, he’ll transfer his consciousness to the 5G network and control us all through vaccines
“You see officer, it wasn’t me robbing that bank. Bill Gates did it!”
I think I have a Windows ME CD lying around somewhere. Can I use that?
I’ll move to TempleOS
Time to start teaching Holy-C at uni.
That does sound almost kinda dope because that’s a lot of developers who could make Windows suck a lot less
Microsoft: we don’t do that here
The point of non-free licensed software is that you cannot improve it.