Will we all be fucked or is there a Linus 2?
I’m training a code and language model to write Linux kernel code and provide snarky comments, of course all based on Linus’s extensive commit history.
Our AI Überherr will be pleased.
sudo mount --bind /linus2 /linus
There will be so many forks trying to continue a Kernel based on linux and i think a few will succeeded! We may use arch kernel or debian kernel in the future.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor is a thing that any GOOD project or IT department considers. How many of your staff can you afford to lose if they all happen to be travelling in the same bus, on their way to eat at the same place for lunch when an asteroid inevitably punches through said bus and/or diner.
‘Hit by an asteroid’ is a little unrealistic. Sentenced to prison for 15 to Life has happened in the Open Source community at least once before. The project I linked to had a Bus Factor of about one. It’s now ‘old code using outdated APIs’ and is considered obsolete.
I’ve personally seen legal and criminal issues for a single individual cripple IT departments before, meaning their bus factor was also way too low. I’ve been on trips that have been rudely interrupted by screaming executives when I came down out of the mountains into cell range because I was the only bus factor left on certain systems. Natural disaster, such as hurricanes, wildfires, and floods are very serious existential threats to even the largest of organizations.
Since Linux seems to be a good project, I can’t imagine that the discussion hasn’t been had, in public or in private. Millions of individuals and dozens upon dozens of big corporations depend on Linux, Open source and otherwise. If the bus comes for core maintainers or project leaders we have at least SOME backup.
I prefer to call it the lottery factor.
I’ve been on trips that have been rudely interrupted by screaming executives when I came down out of the mountains into cell range because I was the only bus factor left on certain systems.
Wow, incredible management skills, genius move to treat your one critical employee like a piece of shit.
Yeah, that was close to the end of that job. I didn’t want to be there, and that particular manager was really upset that they couldn’t just eliminate those servers. He wanted his folks trained on them, but then refused to actually let them spend any time training on them. I was a scapegoat and took the severance deal ASAP.
“Known for: ReiserFS, murder” kinda makes it sound like the dude invented both.
Or was sentenced for both.
‘No your honour, that’s not what committing ReiserFS means’
We need to consider truck-kun factor, where the developer get isekai-ed.
“I’ll Become the Strongest Adventurer in the Other World with My Maximum Level Open Source Operating System Development Skills.”
Title seems a little short…
“Brave Hero from Finland, you’ve been struck by a bus and are going to reincarnate into–”
“No I wasn’t. That bus CHASED ME DOWN two alleys, over a fire hydrant, into, and out of a Starbucks. It did NOT hit me. You just summoned me here.”
“Err… anyway, this world needs a hero to–”
“Write hardware drivers? A kernel module? Some inline assembly?”
"Err… the demon lord… er… "
“DID YOU EVEN MAIL THE LIST? Hah… Okay. Does this world have logic gates of any kind? I need to get this knocked out as soon as possible. I’ve got the entirety of the bcachefs patchset to review before 6.7 is in release.”
I would so read that book.
Dr Stone but for computers/software dev…
Linus teaches them all best practices and then takes a 2 week hiatus from kernel dev to write a tool that defeats the demon lord.
when an asteroid inevitably punches through said bus and/or diner.
Or, you know there is a crash? Lol
I’ve never heard it with the asteroid explanation. But thousands of people die every year in car crashes. Most in single occupant vehicles, but a bus can be involved too.
We’re actually on the 10th Linus now, so the next one will be LinuXI
Stupid God-Emperor keeps ordering all these gholas
Don’t you Hayt it when that happens?
Still waiting for LinusXI Pro Max.
For me its LinuXIV the Sun Kernel
Anyone good at insulting and ranting can make the cut. It should not be hard to train an AI on it.
Nothing. But I would love a microkernel approach like redoxOS. Monolithic kernel is such a bloat?
Get on with it then.
Guy: I wish I had a flying car.
You: Invent one then.
My megabytes D=
Can’t you compile your own kernel with exactly the things you want? Would be a fun project to do
True. Funny idea I should totally do this. This is how you learn Linux. Like a kernel for exactly your hardware specs!
I have doubts you would see any performance increases, and if you change your hardware you’ll be in for a tough time but it would be a fun learning experience!
Thats a question I have. I have two laptops, a shitty amd ryzen thinkpad t495 and a fancy soon-to-be-corebooted Clevo NV41MZ with i7-11** cpu. Pretty crazy performance difference although the chassis and keyboard suck. But if I get the keyboard I want to simply swap drives, as there is nothing fancy, this should just work right?
Um… I’m going to choose to phone a friend on this one…
Oh, …I have no friends who would know.
My instinct is you’re going to need to journalctl -b and see what modprobe and udev are up to.
Swapping CPU manufacturers entirely? I’d just start my kernel config fresh. Pull up the old one next to a new (default ) one and go down line by line. Odds are there are at most a few flags that would need to be changed, but it’s a good chance to reevaluate your previous decisions too.
I havent made any specific kernel changes, its just standard Fedora :D
This used to be the norm, not a weird thing that noone has thought of before. If you do this your kernel will be a lot smaller, boot faster, and be a bit more secure. Once you’re booted it won’t make any meaningful speed difference though.
It makes a HUGE difference in compile time. Which only matters if you’re building your own kernel anyway. It’s a solution for its own problem.
I think it’s a good learning experience though. There is genuinely a lot of stuff in there that you can easily, safely remove, and reading up on all the less obvious flags is fun.
Yep. When you have an 800mb HD and 16mb of EDO RAM, you only load what you need. The boot speed was unreal at the time compared to windows.
When he dies, I expect his family will be sad for a while and bury him.
If he retires, his family will be pretty happy for him.
Other people will keep doing Linux stuff.
When he dies, I expect his family will be sad for a while and bury him.
*merge conflict*
There are plenty of other tech youtubers to watch.
GNU will spring their plan into motion for world domination, and send anyone who has said Linux and not GNU/Linux to GNUlag
They’ll reveal that GNU was actually Unix all along.
That devious Joseph Stallman!
My brain autocorrected the surname the first read through
GNU is Now Unix
They will finally release HURD
The real HURD is the friends we made along the way.
deleted by creator
[everyone liked that]
A number of candidates will create their own forks and there will be a long Game of Thrones style war between different factions. After couple of weeks each distro will choose the fork they will make the default one and people will split into warring factions. After that we will enter a nuclear winter style period lasting couple of years during which 90% of post on Lemmy will be just shitposting the rival forks. After a decade or two of backstabbing, dirty politics and other drama new dictator will be selected and all will be back to normal.
So like systemd but ten times more dramatic.
“The Lannisters send their commits”
he stabs him
We’ve all agreed that when he dies it would be disrespectful to keep using Linux so we’ll pack it up and switch to Windows from them on.
That does sound almost kinda dope because that’s a lot of developers who could make Windows suck a lot less
Microsoft: we don’t do that here
The point of non-free licensed software is that you cannot improve it.
The year of the netbsd desktop is finally here.
- The year of Linux desktop finally arrives
- Linus dies
- Me: installs NetBSD and waits
what’s the bsd equivalent to arch
Is it still maintained ? I’d probably go with FreeBSD if I’m switching to BSD at all. It has ZFS out of the box and has support for nvidia’s non opensource driver. I have used it as a desktop OS for a good 3 months, it was pretty good (even though I couldn’t game on it)
I think BSD is the BSD equivalent to arch.
Yeah isn’t Arch heavily inspired by the BSD way?
“I’m using netBSD btw…”
OpenBSD, probably
But what happens when Bill Gates is dead?!
cheering in the streets? orgies?
We all become MacroHard
All the vaccine microchips activate and we all become Bill Gates. ʘ‿ʘ
That would be one helluva evil plan.
What a blessed day.
MSed day to you
Might be better than Being John Malkovich
Bill Gates will never die, he’ll transfer his consciousness to the 5G network and control us all through vaccines
“You see officer, it wasn’t me robbing that bank. Bill Gates did it!”
Return to monke
I’ll go back to HaikuOS, it should be ready by then. ReactOS will still be working on Win98 support.
I think I have a Windows ME CD lying around somewhere. Can I use that?
I’ll move to TempleOS
Time to start teaching Holy-C at uni.
There shouldn’t be another Linus. The model of a single maintainer holding so much importance is fundamentally flawed, especially for a project with the size and importance of Linux. Responsibilities and decision making should be distributed among stakeholders and volunteers. It will take time to rebuild around that sort of structure.
I’ve also heard tell that the linux-kernel mailing list has become extremely toxic, especially to newcomers. A professor that I have a lot of respect for has stopped teaching his kernel drivers course because one of his students received death threats related to her involvement. If a change in the tenor doesn’t happen, less and less of the fresh blood that Linux needs will join.
Then the propheciced hurdnus will rise and awaken a new era of foss
fuck i really struggled to pronounce that even in my head, jesus.
Everyone is making jokes but the thought has occurred to me: Yes, we have an organisation in place that is ready to replace him. But, from what I understand, he IS the benevolent dictator, and he has used his power a few times to stop some changes that otherwise would be in the kernel right now. And I think that’s a good thing.
Greg K-H is the presumed successor and there’s no reason to think he wouldn’t do the same.