• @[email protected]
    78 months ago

    By a similar token, wage theft isn’t a big deal because it’s not like you’re owning the person.

        • @[email protected]
          328 months ago

          They really aren’t. The labor that went into it is already paid in full, even if what the labor created earns for another 20 years, that labor won’t see another dime for it. Can’t steal what isn’t there

          • @[email protected]
            128 months ago

            It can happen in artistic fields like acting and game dev.

            Fun fact: In game dev, at least, your initial payment to make a game is typically an advance on the share of the profits you’ll get. So terms like “$100k to start and then 10%” function more like “10% to a minimum of $100k” in the long term.

        • Afghaniscran
          228 months ago

          The boss pays me for my time, I’m never getting that time back so I’ve sold it and they own it, in fact, they even get to keep the work I produced during that time to go with it.

          Low effort argument.

        • Metal0130
          28 months ago

          I’m with you here. My up vote won’t help much, but you’re spot on. This thread is so strange.

        • kevinBLT
          148 months ago

          Oh no, not the poor greedy executives!? Noooooooooo

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            “saying true things” is not “soapboxing.”

            I’ve probably pirated more total tb than half the people here, but have the intellectual honesty to own what you’re doing.

            • @[email protected]
              78 months ago

              You’re good at intellectual property rights violations. You broke the law. And yet, you did not steal .

              • @[email protected]
                38 months ago

                Sure, a court would charge you with different crimes, but the concept is the concept and a forum post is not court.

                I prayed shit all the time when I couldn’t afford it. When I got money, I eventually rebuilt a lot of those games for convenience’s sake. Comics, not so much, but I have thousands upon thousands of them.

                I did it because I couldn’t afford it. If you take something that is being sold, without paying for it, how is that concept not stealing?

        • sebinspaceOP
          138 months ago

          Buddy, read the room. You’re not changing anyone’s minds by following me from other posts.

      • @[email protected]
        68 months ago

        I have 0 problem with piracy but this sub claiming is as a morally superior thing to do really bugs me.

        • credit crazy
          58 months ago

          I’m not exactly against piracy but I don’t see it as morally good. If anything I see it in the same way Gabe Newell sees piracy. It’s not a good or bad force but rather a sort of force of human nature that comes about when companies can’t make a decent service. The only way to kill piracy is by making a user experience that is better than constantly searching for torrents. You need a decent platform that people are willing to pay for. Enshitification is basically a summoning circle for pirates. Sirusly covering your platform with scam ads is just gonna make demand for ad blockers. Not selling old games at all is just gonna make demand for emulators. Charging $50 dollars for a text book is just gonna make demand for a PDF scans. It’s crap like that that makes me consider piracy good and a necessity today.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            Don’t really disagree with this at all. My only complaint is when the “It’s totally moral and good and right” justifications come along

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            Someone is selling something I want. I either can’t, or don’t want to, pay for it, so I just take it. What’s the morality there?

            Not sure why you need this spelled out. There are varying degrees of “wrong.” They’re still all on one side of the spectrum.

            I support piracy the same way I support shoplifting of certain goods - it’s a social subsidy for poor people because we as a society don’t guarantee enough spending power.

            Well that and the generally ethical piracy of archival/illegal distribution to overcome laws.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            Per your own analogy, that’s not what you set up.

            What you’d want to do is something like this

            “All dogs bark, but not all dogs bark the same.”

            You want your generalized term (barking) to be the central point then narrow to your difference (different barks).

            Yours set the broad precedent of heat/fire being hot (theft being wrong) but not all heat being fire. I understood your intent, but what you’re literally saying here is that not all theft is piracy, which is true but irrelevant.

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago


              All fire is hot.

              Not everything that’s hot is fire.

              You failed to understand the analogy yet again.

              I made no statements about the morality of piracy, I was just pointing out the false equivalency in your statement about “similar tokens”.

              You equated wage theft with piracy somehow, and ownership with slavery I guess? I’m not even sure, your analogy was a mess.

              So I broke it down for you and skipped the analogies in my reply, so as not to confuse the point you seem to be missing: Not all piracy is theft.

