A district judge in Wisconsin has sided with an 11-year-old trans girl over her use of the girls’ toilets and temporarily blocked school officials from preventing her access.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Bet the school will find some small thing coming out of this to attach to that they will claim have endangered/inconvenienced their life somehow.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    A little bit of an overreach here.

    I’d like it so we can easily see censored content, so we don’t have to scour the modlog to see what happened. Is that possible?

  • Turkey_Titty_city
    1 year ago

    gender neutral bathrooms are the answer here.

    most public places have them now, don’t get why you can’t have one in a school.

    • effingjoe
      421 year ago

      In places with large crowds, gender neutral bathrooms (assuming you also mean single-use) don’t really work. It causes massive lines.

      Not to mention, there’s no need. It’s a bathroom. Why does anyone care who they pee or poop next to? It seems so silly and arbitrary to me. Just get in, do your thing, wash your hands, and get out. haha

      • 001100 010010
        1 year ago

        We can have gender neutral bathrooms where we have a shared hand-washing area, and individual stalls. Heck, you can even have cameras pointed towards the sink area if people are so afraid of getting harassed in the bathroom. Gender should not matter when you have individual stalls.

        • effingjoe
          631 year ago

          Right? I’ve been using public restrooms for a long time and I don’t recall ever seeing anyone’s naughty bits.

          …and for me the most ridiculous part of this discussion is that bathrooms have never been a secure space. If some creep wanted to go into a bathroom to harass people, there is literally nothing stopping them. It’s not like bathrooms have guarded entrances and now people have a sneaky way to get into a bathroom by pretending to be transgender or something insane like that.

          It’s literally a manufactured issue to get the GOP electorate terrified, as everything they do is designed to do.

          • @[email protected]
            171 year ago

            I’ve been using public restrooms for a long time and I don’t recall ever seeing anyone’s naughty bits.

            I see you’ve never had the misfortune of using the circular trough-style urinal where everyone is facing each other and peeing into the middle. Thankfully, they are not very common.

            • effingjoe
              31 year ago

              Oh you know what? I think I did have those in elementary school. That was a while ago though.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Yes I hate this kind of shit too. It costs less and somehow might be able to pack more pissers, but it’s so weird. Maybe unless you’re into staring at other people when you’re peeing.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Lol! Those are meant for washing your hands, not for pissing. Although I guess I can imagine a scenario where some genius thinks one is a urinal and somehow the idea catches on. Still pretty funny though.

              • DarkThoughts
                101 year ago

                What is it with the US and making public toilets as weird as possible? Your freaking walls & doors are bad enough but this is like a piss fountain. I’d expect something like this in maybe a swinger / fetish club or something like that.

                • @[email protected]
                  21 year ago

                  It’s not a urinal, it’s for washing your hands. I’ve mostly ever seen them in factories where you have shifts coming on and off the clock at the same time so they need to be able to handle a high volume of workers.

                  That said, I’m not a big fan of the piss walls you get in the UK and Ireland. They always feel awkward to me, but I guess if you’re used to it…

              • @[email protected]
                91 year ago

                LOL when I first saw the pic you posted I thought the sink in the middle was for communal pissing

        • xylan
          151 year ago

          The best compromise for neutrality and efficiency is to keep gender neutral stalls but also retain an area with urinals which will be much quicker for large numbers of men to pass through then using stalls, and also saves water.

          The other consideration would be that the stalls will need to be sufficiently screened that people in them don’t feel overlooked or vulnerable (I’m looking at you USA with your weird gappy stall building!).

          • 001100 010010
            1 year ago

            Um I think if we’re gonna have urinals, they need to have a divider to completely separate them from the rest of the bathroom area, just so some conservative women don’t freak out about the idea of men urinating outside of a closed stall.

            But yea the stalls need to have no gaps in them. I hate people just peeking in, especially when I was in k-12 public school.

            • starlinguk
              21 year ago

              I went to a mixed bathroom in France and had to walk past bare backsides to get to a stall. I don’t want to see one guy’s ass let alone a whole row of them.

              • norapink
                101 year ago

                In the US at least people don’t generally have their asses hanging out when using urinals.

                • DarkThoughts
                  21 year ago

                  That’s not really a thing in Europe either. I saw it only once in my life, and that was back in school, from some third or second grader or something.

      • Cethin
        191 year ago

        I was at a concert at Red Rocks Amphitheatre and they had gender neutral single stall bathrooms with a shared sink area. It was great. Sure, there was a line, but there was going to be one anyway. However, it ensured 100% utilization, when potentially one side would have less than 100% usage when the other has a line. It’s ideal for places with large crowds.

        (The stalls were also well built basically single rooms, not the shitty American stalls with gaps in them.)

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        It works perfectly, it’s just more expensive to construct. In some Nordic countries there are very few places with bathroom stalls, they either have lots of single-use bathrooms or completely walled-in rooms (wall from ground to roof, regular door) with a toilet and then sinks outside to wash your hands. Works in shopping malls, airports, schools (from small elementary schools to huge high-schools, I’ve never seen one with stalls). The only exceptions I can think of that have stalls are amusement parks, some sport arenas and (ironically) IKEA.

  • Pixlbabble
    -141 year ago

    Meanwhile I feel like there’s a much bigger issue going on. 11 years old? Did they even go through puberty yet?

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    Why are we wasting tax dollars arguing over what room someone goes to urinate or defecate in? This country, man. So many fucking idiots here, it genuinely makes me feel hopeless. I was all gung-ho about having a kid with my girlfriend but nowadays, I don’t know anymore.

  • BeautifulMind ♾️
    451 year ago

    While this is welcome news, it’s also depressing that we live in a timeline stupid enough that bathroom panics are enough of a thing that there are laws on the books like this to be struck down by judges (and of course, the fact that other judges are likely to reverse this ruling).

  • @[email protected]
    161 year ago

    Good point. Shouldn’t slaves have just been happy what the majority of people in the south wanted?

    • Silverseren
      231 year ago

      Yes? 11 is an age where children often are hitting puberty and if someone is trans, that’s when gender dysphoria would become more pronounced.

    • @[email protected]
      -91 year ago

      It’s sad that the parents allowed this kids identity to be determined by what’s currently relevant in social media.

      • @b3nsn0wA
        31 year ago

        i guess it must have also been sad when parents allowed kids to identify as sinister. meaning left-handed, of course. one moment, it was rightfully shunned, the next moment sinister people started getting everywhere and it was growing at an alarming rate, threatening to take over society…

        …until it hit 12.5%, where it flatlined and stayed ever since. turns out if you don’t bully people into repressing a trait they’re born with, you’ll see a meteoric rise in the amount of people you now accept, when they stop (rightfully) fearing that you’ll repress them. today, it’s beyond trivial that if you think there ever has been a point in history where one eight of all people haven’t been left-handed, you’re just a moron, but your rhetoric would perfectly fit the era when that started to be accepted.

        we don’t know exactly how many people are trans, but the sharp rise you see and characterize as “currently relevant in social media” is simply due to society (mostly) letting people finally be who they always have been. realistically, trans people are a minority, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have the same right to be themselves that you and i already enjoy simply for having been born into the majority.

        • @[email protected]
          01 year ago

          I see no correlation between someone being born left handed and someone who claims to have been born in the wrong body, that’s a bit of a stretch. What’s not a stretch though is that social media has dictated a lot of what is acceptable in society but that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s a good thing. People can live their lives however they want but it makes no sense that a kid born in this time would have come to this decision on their own without the influence of social media given how much it’s affected our society in the past ten years alone. That’s the problem and thats what makes it hard to understand and justify. Those in support of children changing who they think they are, give them pats on back but for what reason exactly and what cost? How is this a good thing? In my opinion, kids need to grow and learn to be productive members of our society before they should ever start being told “you’re probably not who you are.” It’s silly.

      • BrerChicken
        21 year ago

        Why don’t you just let people raise their own children, and you can raise yours?

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        Bigots are incapable of thinking this way. They only see LGBT+ people as “the other” and themselves as “normal”, so they never realize that they themselves at one point figured out their own identity (including both gender and sexuality). They think it’s only LGBT+ folks having to figure those things out.

        It’s bizarre, especially since society does push cisgendered and heterosexual norms at a very early age. Young boys will get asked if they like any girls and they’ll constantly be pushed with gender roles and stereotypes for their birth gender. It’s so normalized that most folks don’t even seem to realize that it happens until confronted with the existence of any alternative (like LGBT+ folks). A reasonable person would examine their biases and realize stuff like “huh, I guess I knew my gender from a young age”, but bigots have this irrational hatred for LGBT+ people so they’re not willing or capable of this kind of insight. Their brain has to twist logic into justifying the bigotry that they’ve already concluded on.